
You know NHRA is all about their money, so they may alter the penalty, but never give back the fine. If anything, they will go for more for some reason. - Richard Burbick

The hair follicle test is conclusive and provides the NHRA with the honest answer they seek.  This also eliminates the time constraints to show up and produce a sample.  Mike proved his innocence beyond any shadow of a doubt but he still gets the fine?  Really?  He paid for his own independent drug test to prove conclusively that the previous 12 months were completely clean and they still keep his Fine and Appeal money?

This organization is beyond a dictatorship and needs to be consumed by the next best thing sooner than later where racers have a measure of input. - Bobby Miller

I'm required to take pee tests.  I cannot pee on demand.  I need a heads-up (usually get notified a day ahead of the test). I drink water all morning before the test.  Not easy to do. - Rick Russell

I have had the same thing happen to me but just in a doctor's office, where I couldn't go at the time. So I agree, there should be a back up plan that NHRA can use. It's a shame to mess up a man's name and reputation, on just one thing. That's like, 'Listen to gossip,' while not trying to get to the truth. - Rick "Gasman" Covington

I am glad someone came to their senses on this one. - William Stammerjohan


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