Mike Castellana likes the kind of odds he faced in the Pro Nitrous final round at the ADRL Gateway
Roger Richards
Nationals in St. Louis. If he won, it was a huge win. If he lost, it was still a win.

Castellana topped his Al Anabi Motorsports teammate Khalid Al-Balooshi in the final round. The triumph marked the second of the 2009 season for Castellana and the second consecutive final round appearance for Balooshi.

“It’s a great win for us and especially when we can have two cars in the final,” Castellana said.

Mike Castellana likes the kind of odds he faced in the Pro Nitrous final round at the ADRL Gateway

Roger Richards
Nationals in St. Louis. If he won, it was a huge win. If he lost, it was still a win.

Castellana topped his Al Anabi Motorsports teammate Khalid Al-Balooshi in the final round. The triumph marked the second of the 2009 season for Castellana and the second consecutive final round appearance for Balooshi.

“It’s a great win for us and especially when we can have two cars in the final,” Castellana said.

The final round marked the first time in the history of the power-laden team than an all Al-Anabi Awesome Motorsports final had transpired.

The expectations for this time were high for this team. Was Castellana surprised the final round match up against his teammate took until the seventh race of the season to happen?

“Yes and no,” answered Castellana.

And before the question was asked, even though the Sheik was in attendance of the race, and Balooshi is one of his hometown racers from Qatar, the point was made that there were no team orders for the final round.

“We went up there and raced like it was any other race,” Castellana said. We were both racing to win.”

Castellana’s previous victory came last season at the ADRL World Finals in Dallas, Tex., an event which determined the 2008 champion on Friday and the 2009 point leader on Saturday.

“We struggled earlier in the season and I had to miss a race,” Castellana said. “This is great that we were able to win and boosts us back into the points.”

This weekend marked the second outing for Castellana and his new Jerry Bickel 1970 ½ Camaro.

The team scored the No. 2 qualifying position on Saturday in the extreme heat. A few weeks earlier, the team had shaken down the new Camaro, in similar conditions with Jenkins driving and Rickie Smith tuning.

“We should have been number one and we could have been number one,” Castellana pointed out. “We didn’t get down in the good session [Friday] but to come back and run the No. 2 run in the heat was good for us.” 


