RebaSellersJunior drag racing star Reba Sellers may not have made it to the final round of competition at the 2010 NHRA Jr. Drag Racing League Eastern Conference Finals held in Bristol, Tenn., but she is still a winner – especially to Safety Solutions, Inc.

Sellers, 15, of Byron, Ga., won an “Extreme Cockpit Makeover” from Safety Solutions, Inc., makers of quality safety equipment for all types of racing. The makeover – valued at more than $1000 – featured Safety Solutions’ Dynamic Occupant System, including a Hybrid Pro™ head, youth safety belts, Safety Foundation Inc. (SFI) roll-bar padding, arm restraints and a safety consultation with Safety Expert Trevor Ashline. The winner was chosen at random based on entry forms received during the event.

Junior drag racing star Reba Sellers may not have made it to the final round of competition at the 2010 NHRA Jr. Drag Racing League Eastern RebaSellersConference Finals held in Bristol, Tenn., but she is still a winner – especially to Safety Solutions, Inc.

Sellers, 15, of Byron, Ga., won an “Extreme Cockpit Makeover” from Safety Solutions, Inc., makers of quality safety equipment for all types of racing. The makeover – valued at more than $1000 – featured Safety Solutions’ Dynamic Occupant System, including a Hybrid Pro™ head, youth safety belts, Safety Foundation Inc. (SFI) roll-bar padding, arm restraints and a safety consultation with Safety Expert Trevor Ashline. The winner was chosen at random based on entry forms received during the event.

“I was so excited when I heard my name called,” Sellers beamed. “Safety is such an important part of racing. I’m really looking forward to getting comfortable with all this new equipment.”

“Safety should come first in all types of racing,” comments Trevor Ashline, Safety Solutions’ president. “Safety Solutions believes safety begins at the onset of every racer’s career and is committed to keeping racing heroes – from the pros to our kids – safe.”

This was the first time Safety Solutions, Inc., participated in a junior drag racing event. In addition to the Extreme Cockpit Makeover give-away, Safety Solutions sponsored a cookout and manned a product booth at the race.

Sellers is the daughter of Dick and Kathy Sellers, who raced motorcycles for more than 15 years before hanging up her helmet to raise her family. Reba attends Peach County High School, where she will be a junior. She has been drag racing for seven years and hopes to follow in her mother’s racing footsteps.

 Photo caption: Reba Sellers sports a smile and her new Hybrid Pro™ head restraint by Safety Solutions

