Top Fuel racer Steve Torrence, a former Top Alcohol Dragster national champion and former rookie of the year nominee, is proudly waving the green and black Interstate Batteries banner this weekend on his Capco Racing/Tuttle Motorsports team rail, thanks to a fateful meeting team owner Dexter Tuttle was a part of on the way home from the spring Charlotte event this season.

“I had a last minute upgrade on the flight home to Texas and sat next to a guy named Jeff Haddock who was a Vice President for Interstate Batteries,” said Tuttle. “He's from Texas, and we started talking. Interstate was involved with Joe Gibbs and the McDonald's car a few years ago, and he loved it.”

The two struck up a friendship and kept in touch, and when Haddock recently retired from his position, moved to the Charlotte area, and purchased an Interstate Batteries franchise, he approached Tuttle about what it would take to run Interstate colors at the fall race.

Top Fuel racer Steve Torrence, a former Top Alcohol Dragster national champion and former rookie of the year nominee, is proudly waving the green and black Interstate Batteries banner this weekend on his Capco Racing/Tuttle Motorsports team rail, thanks to a fateful meeting team owner Dexter Tuttle was a part of on the way home from the spring Charlotte event this season.

DSB_1777“I had a last minute upgrade on the flight home to Texas and sat next to a guy named Jeff Haddock who was a Vice President for Interstate Batteries,” said Tuttle. “He's from Texas, and we started talking. Interstate was involved with Joe Gibbs and the McDonald's car a few years ago, and he loved it.”

The two struck up a friendship and kept in touch, and when Haddock recently retired from his position, moved to the Charlotte area, and purchased an Interstate Batteries franchise, he approached Tuttle about what it would take to run Interstate colors at the fall race.

“He wanted a way to kick-off [his Interstate Batteries franchise],” said Tuttle. “We're having lunch with a few of his employees and customers, and having them here is a way for him to do something for them. He's a real good guy.”

The initial agreement is a single-race deal, but Tuttle doesn't rule out the possibility of another partnership with Haddock and Interstate Batteries in the future.

“If they like what they see, maybe they'll want to do something else. Nothing ventured, nothing gained, but this is a way to help him out and helps us out, too.”

Haddock's enthusiasm for his involvement with the team is evidenced by the scripted word on the front wing of Torrence's dragster: “Paradise.”

“That was his response when he would walk into the office and people would ask how his day was going,” said Tuttle. “He'd just say, 'Paradise.'”

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