The Quarter Mile Foundation Chairman Traci Hrudka has received assurances from Mary Mondello that the engine for the PROJECT 1320 Engine Raffle is mondellocontinuing forward, despite the Joe Mondello's untimely passing.

"Mary and I discussed the Project 1320 Raffle Engine and with Joe's crew at the Mondello Technical Center," said Hrudka. "Everyone at the Technical Center is fully committed to completing the engine well in advance of the drawing.

The Quarter Mile Foundation Chairman Traci Hrudka has received assurances from Mary Mondello that the engine for the PROJECT 1320 Engine Raffle is mondellocontinuing forward, despite the Joe Mondello's untimely passing.

"Mary and I discussed the Project 1320 Raffle Engine and with Joe's crew at the Mondello Technical Center," said Hrudka. "Everyone at the Technical Center is fully committed to completing the engine well in advance of the drawing.

"Mary told me, 'Joe would want this engine finished. It will be a wonderful tribute and a great honor for Joe to memorialize this engine in his name. Joe never left anything unfinished.'

"Joe had completed much of the initial machine work, and had begun the assembly process. Nearly every component needed to complete the engine is in the Technical Center, with only a very few items left to come."

All of the components for the engine have been donated by highly respected manufacturers from across the industry. The list of suppliers will be released in the near future, once the supplier list is completed.

"The loss of Joe has stunned us all," said Hrudka. "The engine now has a different light cast upon it, as Joe's last engine. We want to reassure everyone, from the generous suppliers to those who have purchased or intend to purchase tickets, the "Mondello 'Vintage Rat'" will be completed."


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