The 2008 racing season for Cannonball Racing has been a roller coaster ride beginning with the pullout of their major sponsor.

“We had a couple of potential sponsorship avenues that we hoped would pan out that did not go our way," team owner Scotty Cannon said. "Mark Pullen and I were planning on teaming up with a two car team but the timing just was not right for either of our teams. We wish Mark and his team much success with their new Vanishing Point racecar.”

The 2008 racing season for Cannonball Racing has been a roller coaster ride beginning with the pullout of their major sponsor.

“We had a couple of potential sponsorship avenues that we hoped would pan out that did not go our way," team owner Scotty Cannon said. "Mark Pullen and I were planning on teaming up with a two car team but the timing just was not right for either of our teams. We wish Mark and his team much success with their new Vanishing Point racecar.”

So where is the 2007 defending IHRA world championship team for the remainder of 2008?

“Thomas Patterson and his team have been very supportive of us staying out here and running the rest of the season to defend our title," Cannon added. "We plan to continue our sponsorship search, but in the meantime, Thomas and I will pool our resources and will resume the points battle for the rest of the season, including Canada."

There has been talk of boycotting the IHRA event in Edmonton, Alberta due to high fuel prices and an overall higher cost in drag racing period.

“I want to make it completely clear that our team will not be a part of any boycott. If we skip an event it will be because we just couldn’t afford to go,” said Cannon.

