1-2-07-prettyflycover.jpgYou know, the greatest thing I have found in my retirement years are the people I meet at the races. A tremendous number of those people I have met I now call my friends.

I have also been fortunate enough to meet a great number of the racers competing today and a lot of the legends from the past.

These are two examples of why I always consider myself to be one of the luckiest people in the world.


Helping a Friend

You know, the greatest thing I have found in my retirement years are the people I meet at the races. A tremendous number of those people I have met I now call my friends.

I have also been fortunate enough to meet a great number of the racers competing today and a lot of the legends from the past.

These are two examples of why I always consider myself to be one of the luckiest people in the world.

One of those persons/racers on my list that I have met and can consider a friend is Kathy Fisher who runs in the Quick Rod/Super Comp class. I would be remiss if I didn’t count Kevin Fisher in that list. Of course Kevin is the lucky man married to Kathy.

I first met Kathy a few years ago when she was also doing the on-camera interviews for the IHRA TV program. As a photographer I got to work with Kathy in covering the events. We had plenty of time to talk and become friends during the course of the events and I met Kevin when I found out they raced as well as doing the TV job.

Recently, I happened across Kathy again at a racetrack while she and I were covering the ADRL event in Norwalk, Ohio. As we talked about the event and other things, it came to light that Kathy may not make the trip to Rockingham to compete in the season finale for the IHRA.

As is the reason for most racers, Kathy informed me that she needed about $1000.00 to be able to make the trip and compete at the last event of the year. I mentioned to her if I had that amount lying around, I would give it to her. Then I thought further and it came to me that a group of friends should be able to get her to the race.



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DSA_5756.jpgKathy is a very vivacious person and makes friends wherever she goes. I told her that I was going to contact a few of her friends and see if they would give $50 dollars along with me to get her to the race.

Kathy said, “I don’t know if I have that many friends.”  Immediately one of the people helping with TV program offered to add $50. I just looked at her and said, “We are 10% of the way there already.”

I then told her that I was going to contact 20 friends and get $50 from each of them and place on the side of her car in Rockingham “Sponsored by Kathy’s Friends”.

Even at 10pm on Saturday night, I could see her blush and almost to the point of tears. I told her I would write this little column and make it happen for her at the Rock.

I have since been contacted by Dale and Laurie Cannister and was asked to count them in for $100. 1320TV’s Susan Wade and Brian Wood have also asked to be included in Kathy’s Friends.

Wow, without even trying, we are 30% of the way to the total.

I am asking for Kathy’s friends to Email me at (or call me at 864-360-6575) to join in the group. We plan to have some Tee Shirts made with “Kathy’s Friend” on them and try to get them all on the start line at one time to see her run.

There Kathy! There will be no pressure to win that round.

It isn’t much to participate in racing in a small way but it should be fun. Heck, we may even try to get together in her pit and have a bit of a party.

Thanks in advance for the support.

Call me! Let’s do the Rock!

Geezer, one of Kathy’s friends

