Kenny Bernstein confirmed with that nothing is final either way regarding his Monster Energy drink sponsorship for 2009. The six-time NHRA world champion said he’s waiting for an answer before he can make a decision regarding next year.

He’s talked about a two-car Top Fuel team as well but until the answer comes through, he’s not elaborating.

If Bernstein does continue with the Monster Energy drink sponsorship, changes in the grandfathered marketing rules will allow him some latitude in how to present the sponsorship. Kenny Bernstein confirmed with that nothing is final either way regarding his Monster Energy drink sponsorship for 2009. The six-time NHRA world champion said he’s waiting for an answer before he can make a decision regarding next year.

He’s talked about a two-car Top Fuel team as well but until the answer comes through, he’s not elaborating.

If Bernstein does continue with the Monster Energy drink sponsorship, changes in the grandfathered marketing rules will allow him some latitude in how to present the sponsorship.

In other words, if he chooses to run two dragsters, it can happen.

“Whichever kind of car you start 2009 with, if it’s Top Fuel or Funny Car, you have to stay there for the rest of the season,” Bernstein explained. “You cannot switch teams and if you do leave the sport, you cannot come back.”

Reportedly, Bernstein approached the NHRA about the fairness of their grandfathering rules and the aforementioned amendments were returned by Coca Cola and the NHRA.

Previously a team couldn’t leave the category they were sponsoring even if they remained within the same team.