If it appears veteran Top Fuel driver Doug Kalitta has a little more pep in his step, there's a good reason. He does. 

Kalitta, a favorite among drag racing fans and those he competes against, finally has someone who has been a respected nemesis over the last two decades in his corner. 

The optics are precisely as they appear. 

"That was pretty exciting news," Kalitta said of the team's behind-the-scenes announcement that championship tuner Alan Johnson and his tuning entourage had landed with the Kalitta Motorsports operation. 

"He certainly brings a wealth of experience and knowledge and everything to our team," Kalitta added.

All of those times, Kalitta came so close to winning a championship, only to have Johnson and his drivers swipe them away are now distant memories. Drag racing now has what many consider as the G.O.A.T. (greatest of all time) tuner and the greatest to have never won a championship working out of the same hauler.

Finally, Kalitta doesn't have to look over his shoulder. 

"I've thought of that several times and even commented on that," Kalitta said. "It's certainly great having him on our side of the fence, for sure. We all know what he's done in the past."

The relationship between Kalitta and his tuner is still in the early stages, but for Air Doug, an accomplished pilot, he understands it won't be long before the seats are forward and tray tables stored for takeoff. 

"The car that they've prepared; the thing drives like a dream," Kalitta said of the initial Phoenix test and first two events. "So that's made it a lot, certainly, real nice. We ran a .65 the other day, and it drove like a dream. It's just refreshing to know that whole combination and running those numbers; the car drives good. So that's definitely one thing. 

"We're obviously looking forward to running in that range more consistently. I've definitely got the guys to do it, so I'm just got to hold up my end of the bargain and keep the thing in the middle and leave on time. So it's really pretty exciting actually at the moment."

While some drivers might get intimidated by Johnson's approach and commitment to success, for Kalitta, it's all about respect. 

Kalitta, who himself has been behind the wheel for championship-contending teams, understands communication is the key. On the outside, it appears there's not much Kalitta needs to learn about driving, but it doesn't mean the cagey veteran isn't willing to take out a notepad and write down a few things. 

"I've obviously known Alan a long time, and our communication is good," Kalitta said. "Obviously, if there's anything I can learn and do differently, he would definitely be the guy I'd want to hear it from. I would be all about doing whatever we would need to do to accomplish the goals that were set out for ourselves, which obviously win as many races and contend for that championship at the end of the year. 

"So far, it's been good, and just looking forward to obviously getting to know him a little better and having some success at these events that we're going to."



It's not business as usual for Kalitta, who admits there have been a few adjustments here and there. 

"Just our different procedures of warming the car up and just different things that happen with getting the car ready to go up to the line," Kalitta explained. "But as far as just a lot of debriefing after the end of the run, we really haven't done much of that, but obviously, we haven't gone many rounds yet either. I would imagine as we get in the heat of the mix here of the season, I'm sure more of that will happen. I'm looking forward to it as well."

Kalitta understands he's facing a competitor base that keeps getting younger and more energetic out of the gate. Having Johnson in his corner is a formidable arrow to have in his quiver. 

"It's really exciting for the sport to see the younger guys coming through," Kalitta said. "Obviously, I don't plan on running as long as Chris Karamesines or anything like that. It's great to see the sport growing like that. Obviously, I'm out there trying to compete and run up front and perform well with these guys because they've raised the bar for sure with driving. It makes me realize you got to stay up on the wheel if you're going to beat them.

Win or lose, Kalitta said drag racing has remained a fun escape for him. Having Johnson only ratchets the fun up to the next level. 

"I wouldn't be doing it if it wasn't fun," Kalitta admitted. "Obviously, going to the track knowing that you've got the best team possible behind you, and obviously having Alan and Brian [Husen] and all the guys that are on my team, even motivates me even more. Chad [Head] obviously has been working at really all three of our cars and really all the supporters that we've got. It's all about the big picture of having three teams and performing well with all of them.

"It's something that I've done my whole life. I've always raced. My dad started me out when I was probably eight years old, so I don't know if I would know what to do if I didn't race on the weekends."

And now, the popular Kalitta will be doing it with one of the greatest tuners in drag racing calling his shots. 



