Warren Johnson was taken aback by his invitation to participate in the special edition 'Attitude Hour' produced by WFO Radio Show wj_futureand sponsored by Attitude’s CompetitionPlus.com.

Johnson was the first guest of four specifically chosen for their ability to speak their minds during the NHRA U.S. Nationals in Indianapolis.

“I don’t understand, I’ve never had an attitude about everything … ahem … anything,” said Johnson with a broad smile. “I just tend to correct things.”

And for Johnson, he’s confident he speaks the truth as he sees it. A sign in his shop proclaiming “Everyone is entitled to my opinion” confirms it.

Warren Johnson was taken aback by his invitation to participate in the special edition 'Attitude Hour' produced by WFO Radio Show wj_futureand sponsored by Attitude’s CompetitionPlus.com.

Johnson was the first guest of four specifically chosen for their ability to speak their minds during the NHRA U.S. Nationals in Indianapolis.

“I don’t understand, I’ve never had an attitude about everything … ahem … anything,” said Johnson with a broad smile. “I just tend to correct things.”

And for Johnson, he’s confident he speaks the truth as he sees it. A sign in his shop proclaiming “Everyone is entitled to my opinion” confirms it.

In Pro Stock, Johnson believes the class he helped to make famous isn’t as exciting as it could be.

“I think we need a little more diversity in it,” Johnson said. “But that’s up to the competitors to bring that around. I think the rules have been really stable except for a few aerodynamic rules which had little impact. Overall, I don’t think there’s the enthusiasm [in Pro Stock] that there was ten of fifteen years ago. Whether that is manifested by the sanctioning body or what I don’t know.

“Standing back and watching internally, it just doesn’t look as exciting.”

These were words coming from a drag racing veteran who scored his most recent victory last May in St. Louis when three of his four final round opponents suffered mechanical failures enabling him to score an improbable victory.

“That was the case where all of the stars were aligned and happened once in a lifetime,” Johnson admitted.

And, if those same moon and starts line up, he’ll be back next season to race.

“We’ll have to look at it from a financial standpoint,” confirmed Johnson. “If we can drum up the financial support we need to race successfully. We’ve kind of pulled back the last few years because the financial support hasn’t been there. But at the same time when I started this I looked at it as my vocation. When I retire from it, I am not going to be broke. I’m not going to go and spend money foolhardily to be competitive. I am sure if we spent enough we could be competitive. These cars run on money not gasoline. That’s any form of motorsports. If the support is there, we’ll be back. If not, we’ll see.”

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