The ultra competitive field of Mountain Motor Pro Stock has recently seen an influx of new blood while maintaining much of its traditional family appeal and competitivness.
Last year saw the entry of Derrick Reese of Akron, Ohio, with his Jerry Hass-built Mustang. Over the off-season several large additions have been made along with the formation of a family based three car team. 
Derrick, in his first race, had some immediately positive results and showed he will be ready for the 2022 campaign of NHRA and PDRA events. Now Derrick’s brother Miles Reece and grandfather Kurt Neighbors will be piloting the other 2 Haas-built Mustangs. Mile’s ride is currently at Haas’s getting updated, while Kurt’s car was picked up from Elijah Morton and is back at the team shop starting it’s preparation.
The family has teamed up with veteran and second-generation Mountain Motor Pro Stock racer/tuner Cale Aronson. Aronson, who in 2015 suffered a serious spinal injury while competing in IHRA Pro Stock at West Palm Beach, is known for clutch development, design and tuning expertise. He will be helping guide the newly formed team on all aspects and aim to bring them up to speed very quickly. 
Additionally, former Caruso Family Racing crew member Rich Adkins will be focused on Derrick’s Car Chief needs as well as any other duties required by the team. The new APEX Motorsports team aims to attend as many PDRA and NHRA events as possible and make a quick impact on the class. They will all be utilizing Jon Kaase-based Ford Hemi engines in their Haas Mustangs.
“We’re basically infusing new blood with a little old to help grow the class, open new partnerships, and bring some modern coverage and access to the team in order to ultimately allow a more open access to the inner workings of a competitive Pro Stock operation, where all too often it seems like out of reach, too expensive rocket science to many fans," said Aronson.
"So often what we learn in one application can apply to others. I have always believed in teaching, as that’s the only way to ensure a better future.” 

