TJ Zizzo considers himself awful lucky to have a friend like Bruce Litton.
TJ Zizzo battled tooth and nail with Bruce Litton in 2007 for the IHRA championship. He had to call on him for help just to race Indy.

As Zizzo conveys, a special person will step away from their 31st wedding anniversary to come help a stranded friend on the Wednesday leading into the NHRA U.S. Nationals in Indianapolis.

That’s what happened when Tony Zizzo, TJ’s father and team truck driver, ran into issues with the Indiana State Police over speeding through Center Point, Ind., and other infractions such as a log book violation.

TJ Zizzo considers himself awful lucky to have a friend like Bruce Litton.

TJ Zizzo battled tooth and nail with Bruce Litton in 2007 for the IHRA championship. He had to call on him for help just to race Indy.

As Zizzo conveys, a special person will step away from their 31st wedding anniversary to come help a stranded friend on the Wednesday leading into the NHRA U.S. Nationals in Indianapolis.

That’s what happened when Tony Zizzo, TJ’s father and team truck driver, ran into issues with the Indiana State Police over speeding through Center Point, Ind., and other infractions such as a log book violation.

The police were not going to let Tony drive for another ten hours in order to satisfy the logbook issue. That long of a delay would have prevented the team from competing this weekend.

“I really didn’t have much of a choice and I got on the phone to Bruce, since I knew he lived here, to see if there was any way he could help us,” TJ said.

Litton really didn’t have a moment to spare. He was in the midst of lettering a car borrowed from Mike Strasburg since his new car was not completed in time.

Plus it was his 31st anniversary and he had a 6 pm dinner date with his wife Carol.

Litton called all of his drivers seeking someone who could assist the Zizzos while he finished up his last minute race preparations. After all, Litton’s shop is located across the street from O’Reilly Raceway Park and it was no big feat for him to tow the dragster across Crawfordsville Road.

Then Litton hit a snag, no one was available.

Bruce Litton was in the midst of lettering the Mike Strasburg loaner when he got the call from Zizzo.
“I knew they had to be there before 6,” Litton said. “I figured as long as everything went on cue, it would be alright.”

Litton drove his Chevrolet Suburban to where the team was parked and jumped in the truck to drive. Meanwhile Tony followed behind the rig in Litton’s car.

The police officer wasn’t as kind to Tony, he gave him three tickets.

Litton pulled to the gates of ORP at 5:50 PM – ten minutes before his date.

“I hopped out of their car, jumped in mine and drove across the street and picked up my wife,” Litton said. “I had no other choice, nothing could be worse I imagine, than to be in the doghouse on your anniversary.”

The Zizzos will forever remember this gesture from the former IHRA sportsmanship award winner.

“I think this says a lot about him,” TJ said. “We went head-to-head for a championship all last year and the moment we ask for a favor, there he is. He is one of the best guys in the sport.”


Unfortunately, both drivers failed to make the sixteen-car cut.
