When you are traveling over 100-mph at the end of the ¼-mile be sure your throttle return springs are qftgoing to do their job. The Quick Fuel Technology Throttle Return Spring kit for 4150-style carbs (#49-3) will ensure that your throttle plates close when it's most important.

Quick Fuel Technology (QFT) engineered this kit to eliminate the possibility of a stuck throttle. The geometrically correct return spring system will never hang up and never fail, keeping you and your racecar safe. QFT's lightened stainless steel return spring bracket mounts to a main body carb stud, providing a secure attachment preventing the return spring bracket from rotating out of position.

The return spring and bracket are racer "friendly" and do not interfere with fuel bowl or metering block removal. The bracket and springs allow access to the idle mixture screws too. Dual stainless steel springs, coupled with the throttle lever bushing, provide firm and smooth throttle feel and meet the dual return spring safety requirements of most sanctioning bodies.

For more information, visit QFT on the web at: quickfueltechnology.com, or e-mail quickfuel@earthlink.net