IMG_28182WN3= 2 Way NiCad Not Needed is a radio system for your car that no longer requires a independent battery for the radio. No more unplugging the radio from the car harness, disconnecting the external antenna and removing the radio from the case to charge it. Every time the radio is removed you take the chance of forgetting to put the radio back in.  You save wear and tear on the connectors, on the cables and the radio and you move one charge closer to the life expectancy of the battery. If it is an old NiCad battery, you risk the chance of the battery not lasting through a single run even though the battery charger indicates a full charge . 2WN3 is a battery product replacement that allows you to wire the radio system directly into the cars electrical system  via the master battery switch or a independent  toggle switch. When the radio is initially installed it no longer has to be within reach of the crew member or the driver.  No need to turn it on and adjust the volume control each time. Set It and Forget I.  

You can mount it anywhere in the car. With this product, once the electrical system is turned on, the radio powers up and the volume control will be exactly where you set it  the first time. No need to power up the car then power the radio and mess around adjusting the volume control. 2WN3  will work with any cars voltage requirement and pulls less than 1/10th amp hr. during a full run.   

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