The Chicagoland area, once known for its study talent for delivering hordes of nitro Funny Car talent, has started a new trend. Vintage Pro Stock appears to be the next trend.
Former Pro Mod standout Bill Neri has recreated the 1974 Pro Stock Camaro of Warren Johnson raced up until 1977.
The Chicagoland area, once known for its study talent for delivering hordes of nitro Funny Car talent, has started a new trend. Vintage Pro Stock appears to be the next trend.
Former Pro Mod standout Bill Neri has recreated the 1974 Pro Stock Camaro of Warren Johnson raced up until 1977.
In addition to Neri’s creation, other cars in the area include a Bill Jenkins Camaro owned by Mark Pappas and a Nation Wise Rod Shop Dodge Colt owned by Bob Mayerle.
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