Steve Davis closed out the 2020 season by driving his "Spinny" Chevy II to the A/Gas title, stopping Leslie Horne's "Chick Magnet" Chevy in the final rounds.

Joining Lee in the winner's circle was Cody Welch (B/Gas), Charlie Lee (C/Gas), and Mark Hackett (Super Stock).

Davis entered eliminations as the fifth quickest car on the property and took out the front runners starting with Kenneth Phillips, then No. 1 qualifier Ben Christopher before outrunning Todd Blackwell to advance to the final round.

In the final, Davis outran the quicker qualified Horne for the win.

When it came to B/Gas, Welch found himself continually in a right place, right time situation. He was brutally consistent, while his competition was not so much.




Welch, who entered eliminations as the No. 14 seed, took out the No. 3 qualifier Troy Lightner, then Ray Fassell before getting around Ken Rainwater. In the finals, Wech continued his consistent ways while Art Copeland lost with an off-pace run.

Lee made quick work of the C/Gas division, starting in qualifying where he was the quickest starting with a win over Dana Casto, earning a competition bye run in the second round, and then coming back to take out Tim Hall. In the final round, Lee made his quickest run to take out Todd Oden.

Closing out the winners, Hackett captured the Super Stock division driving, beating Robert Pelfrey's 4-speed Stampede.  



