by Allie Hartman

Being in the position of Josh Hart, a professional race car driver, team owner, and business owner, it would be easy to fall to the pressures of society and become presumptuous. Despite this, that does not describe him in the slightest. Instead, Hart uses his hard-earned status to give back.
Why is giving back so important to Hart? He was not raised with old money, and his and his wife Brittanie’s accomplishments did not come easily.
“I would say that [we’ve had] extremely humble beginnings, clear back to the days when Brittanie and I were using the electric oven to heat the house,” Hart said. “You think about times like that and trying to scrape together enough money to eat a box of macaroni and cheese, which was .99 cents back then.
“But for some reason, she stayed with me, and we built this thing. If we can save a couple of people from having to deal with stuff like that, that’s more important than trophies, cars, and houses. It’s a good way to remember where you came from and help other people so that they don’t have to go through that stuff.”
When starting their business, Burnyzz Speed Shop, the Harts had little to fall back on. According to Hart, however, meeting some great people along the way who were willing to share their knowledge made all the difference in their business journey and helped them get where they are today.
“It was sink or swim,” Hart explained. “We started with $300.”

Once the business took off, Hart found the right time to drag race while Brittanie pursued photography. Firmly entrenched in their happy places, they focused on giving back to the community.
“As you accumulate cars and trophies and houses and properties and businesses and things, you quickly realize that it looks good on the outside, but it’s not fulfilling, at least not for us,” Hart admitted. “The kids really changed our perspective on a lot of things, and the real reward is being able to give back to everybody else.”
Starting a family was the next step for the Harts, but this only happened with its own set of difficulties. Adoption wrote itself into their story when the stars did not align for a natural pregnancy. Hart understood the process of adoption due to his upbringing. However, it was not something he had planned on doing either.
“My biological parents were not bad people at all,” he explained. “They were extremely young and still figuring it out, and I get that.”
Hart previously said he met many good people along the way, including people who resembled parental figures for him. Even still, Hart said, “I was for a long time against adoption. I always wanted a blood child, but who doesn’t?”
Those same parental figures Hart grew up with proved to be the inspiration for their journey to becoming adoptive parents.

Josh and Brittanie Hart adopted their first baby, a little girl, in 2019, naming her Helen after the woman who was Josh’s adoptive mom. Fast-forward a few years, and the family of three was ready for round two of adoption.
“You don’t realize the negative perceptions around adoption and helping an innocent child,” Hart added.
So, in 2023, they welcomed a baby boy, Banks, into their lives to become a family of four.
“The adoptive process is hard, but I can’t imagine where that beautiful, innocent child would be right now without us,” Hart heartfeltly explained.
Josh and Brittanie have given back through adoption and are known to contribute to and organize fundraisers.
“Those are mostly Brittanie’s philanthropist and humanitarian efforts,” Hart proudly said. “When you don’t have anything or really, really hit the bottom, you pray every night for a knight in shining armor, somebody to just understand or lend a helping hand. If we can soften the blow in any way, we’re willing to.”
Although their journey has not been without obstacles, it has made the Harts much more appreciative of what they have. Josh looks back at their path and smiles.
“I chose the road less traveled,” Hart said. “I never worked for anybody else. I took every single lashing that you have to take on my way to what most people would consider the top. And I did it with my wife, my soulmate, walking through the depths of hell with me. To reach the level that we’re at right now, all I can say is it’s been a heck of a ride. It’s been amazing. We’ve had so many angels come into our lives at exactly the right time, and I don’t know where I’d be without those people.
“I’m one of the luckiest people in the world.”