I know and like many of the New School racers in the Super Classes of NHRA, but Old School is the way to go!
I applaud Tim and his views on Old School drag racing.
I would like to point out the index classes with alternate sanctions like PSCA.
PSCA index classes do not allow the throttle stops, stutter boxes,
timers, etc., that make for boring racing. The racing there is tight
and fun. The winners are truly Old School! - Dale Tuley
I know and like many of the New School racers in the Super Classes of NHRA, but Old School is the way to go!
I applaud Tim and his views on Old School drag racing.
I would like to point out the index classes with alternate sanctions like PSCA.
PSCA index classes do not allow the throttle stops, stutter boxes, timers, etc., that make for boring racing. The racing there is tight and fun. The winners are truly Old School! - Dale Tuley
The last one about electronics in so called "super" racing is spot on. Super Gas and Super Comp has nothing to do with drag racing at all anymore. Everything you need to do in a normal drag race has been taken away. Can't cut a light? Put a box in. Can't run the number? Put a box in. Drivers are not even needed any more, might as well just race RC cars.
We need to get the electronics out of the cars if the sport is to survive. Many of my friends who have never raced and go to the track with me want to race but don't see the point when you have to cut a .001 light and run 9.901 to even have a chance to win. Driver skill has been totally taken out of the picture. - Mark Wolfe
Once again Timmah is dead on. The sad part is that in order to run the super classes and have a shot, you have to have the boxes. Sure there are a few guys out there with some success but not enough. I would support heads up no box indexes on the national and divisional level. Sounds great to me. - Jeff Thompson
Man are we on the same page! Couldn't have said how I "feel" any better, great read. - Tim Stevens
AMEN! Once again Tim hit it on the head! Great Column! - Steve Bussius Jr.
Give that man a big fat cigar! If there were ever a more bullseye hit,
then I haven't seen it. God bless Dedenbear for being a great
entrepreneur, but his product did nothing for the sport of drag racing
... nothing. Think back to when Formula 1 drivers actually drove the
cars, had to shift them manually and had to look at the tachometer!
God forbid they would have to do that now! Ditto for the "Box"
racers. Ditto for Jason Lamb, and ditto for Super Gas, Super Comp,
Quick Rod, etc., etc. Boring isn't the right word....try sad. My new
heroes..."No Box". - Dave Gutierrez
You are absolutely right.. BOOOOORRRRRIIING. I go to the track a lot
and mostly the only people that have any interest in throttle stop car
are people in them or their friends. I would much rather watch little
Johnny with his moms 17 sec minivan run sweet Carla and her 6-cylinder
one-legged mustang. They get a lot more excited and have more fun,
it's contagious. - Steve Camp
Throttle stops and delay boxes are crap, it's no wonder everyone leaves
the grandstands when they come to the line. Look at pinks all-out they
fill the stands to see heads up racing, maybe NHRA should have index
classes with no electronics besides a transbrake or line lock, but
everyone knows NHRA is not about change so I will keep leaving the
stands after the alcohol cars run. - Rhett McNair
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