I thought it was about time Jerry cleared the air. I've been a drag racer for over 35 years and I remember when this happen. At the time I pointed out to anyone that would listen that I had no way of knowing but it was possible that Jerry didn't know that the Nitrous was on the car. Not like the Mopar drivers. Ray Charles new it was on those cars.

   It always bothered me that NHRA new that the Mopars were running Nitrous, they new that Bob Glidden was running Propelyne Oxide and they know that Billy Glidden had Nitrous on his car. The answer to Billy Glidden was to red light him on the starting line and act like it didn't happen.

  I've wanted to be a pro drag racer my whole life. I never received any support from my wife and family so the best I've ever done was amateur racing. I can't condemn Jerry. If what he says is true he was in a bad position and I'm not sure I wouldn't have done the same thing.

Come on NHRA lighten up and give the man a chance. - Robert Afflerback, Willingboro, NJ

You state –not suggest – that NHRA “knew” the Mopars were running  nitrous and Glidden propelyne oxide.  No offense intended, but prove  it. – Ed.




I thought it was about time Jerry cleared the air. I've been a drag racer for over 35 years and I remember when this happen. At the time I pointed out to anyone that would listen that I had no way of knowing but it was possible that Jerry didn't know that the Nitrous was on the car. Not like the Mopar drivers. Ray Charles new it was on those cars.

   It always bothered me that NHRA new that the Mopars were running Nitrous, they new that Bob Glidden was running Propelyne Oxide and they know that Billy Glidden had Nitrous on his car. The answer to Billy Glidden was to red light him on the starting line and act like it didn't happen.

  I've wanted to be a pro drag racer my whole life. I never received any support from my wife and family so the best I've ever done was amateur racing. I can't condemn Jerry. If what he says is true he was in a bad position and I'm not sure I wouldn't have done the same thing.

Come on NHRA lighten up and give the man a chance. - Robert Afflerback, Willingboro, NJ

You state –not suggest – that NHRA “knew” the Mopars were running  nitrous and Glidden propelyne oxide.  No offense intended, but prove  it. – Ed.