

I just finished reading Jon Asher's "Up Front". It was well written and on target. I guess the one thing that all racers do not realize is the total volume for "racing gasoline" is less than 20 million gallons a year. That number is world wide. To put those gallons in prospective, a major branded oil company can produce that before lunch on any given day. The leaded fuels are the largest in volume but with the changes in demand unleaded will take the lead in just a few years. This change will give the appearance that the large sanctioning bodies are helping the environment. They will change to unleaded but that change will have little or no effect on the world's pollution problems. The sanctions are acting as good neighbors and responsible operations in the eyes of the general public. This perception is important for motorsports. Pressure from economic change will be a big problem. Race tracks turning into houses and shopping centers have been going on for years. No sanction needs or wants to appear to be a source of air-pollution when the local lawyers come calling. 

Fear not about the ability of unleaded to make power. The F1 race cars use 96 octane fuels. They produce 800 to 1,000 horsepower at 18,000 RPM from V8’s that displace 2.4 liters. Race gasoline producers know that octane is only one part of gasoline performance. Racing gasoline companies are like individual racers. They work very hard to win the product race. New unleaded gasoline will perform even in supercharged and nitrous conditions. Drag racing, as well as all other forms of motorsport, will continue to grow even without lead.
Thanks for a great story - Bill Corwin.