For decades, Proform/Specialty Auto Parts has been selling performance parts for strip and street.proform Now they bring the drag strip to you, with their shirt pocket sized PERFECT LAUNCH™ portable “Christmas Tree”. Practicing with PERFECT LAUNCH™ (#67025C) you can perfect your launch skills and reaction time almost anywhere, and get closer to hitting those 0.000 out of the bleach box numbers at the track.

This high-tech portable electronic device (4.5x2.75x1-inches) makes a perfect gift for the pro racer, would-be racer, or one who just likes the thrill of competition on a lazy winter weekend. Wagering, of course, is highly recommended! PERFECT LAUNCH™ features a remote thumb trigger, .4 and .5-second PRO and FULL trees, and an adjustable delay box, bump down and rollout. If you’re not familiar with those terms, the included instructions will have you pounding the “win” lights in no time. The 9-volt powered PERFECT LAUNCH™ shuts down automatically (no ‘chute required) for longer battery life, and the best part, it’s affordable FUN! To fine tune your launch skills, and preview all their internal and external engine parts and tools, visit

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