Vietnam War Hero and Medal of Honor recipient Seargeant Major. Jon R. Cavaiani attended the NHRA Thunder Valley Vietnam_Vets.JPGDrag races today along with several veterans from the Vietnam War as guests of Roger Burgess and the Get Screened America Pro Mod Challenge.  Cavaiani is one of only 98 living Medal of Honor recipients.
Cavaiani and a group of veterans sipped coffee and reminisced about their experience serving our country in Vietnam.  Brought together through the combined efforts of R2B2 Racing, Cavaiani, and NHRA through a program called The Vietnam Veterans Corner.

Vietnam War Hero and Medal of Honor recipient Seargeant Major. Jon R. Cavaiani attended the NHRA Thunder Valley Vietnam_Vets.JPGDrag races today along with several veterans from the Vietnam War as guests of Roger Burgess and the Get Screened America Pro Mod Challenge.  Cavaiani is one of only 98 living Medal of Honor recipients.
Cavaiani and a group of veterans sipped coffee and reminisced about their experience serving our country in Vietnam.  Brought together through the combined efforts of R2B2 Racing, Cavaiani, and NHRA through a program called The Vietnam Veterans Corner.
R2B2 Racing currently spearheads the program reaching out to Vietnam War Veterans.  Cavaiani is a regular at every Pro Mod Challenge race, and each weekend he is accompanied by a handful of other Vietnam War veterans.  The NHRA provides the tickets and R2B2 funds upgrades and provides hospitality for the veterans.
R2B2 Funny Car driver Melanie Troxel has taken on a key role in coordinating the program.  Troxel said, "It is meant to be a belated welcome home for the veterans, as a thank you for what you all did for our country."
The program is established, but the goal of R2B2 racing and Cavaiani is to perpetuate and expand to program to reach more vets.  Cavaiani said, "This is about letting Vietnam Veterans know they are not forgotten."
Troxel added, "We didn't do a great job welcoming and thanking the Vietnam War veterans for what they did for our country, and we want to in our small way learn from that mistake and make amends.
"There are bigger things going on in the world then what we get caught up in on a week to week basis in racing, sometimes it helps to remember that.  This program is about educating the next generation and being grateful," she said. 

