The stunningly attractive blonde walking around National Trail Raceway looking for her glass slipper was shocked to
Cody Barklage takes a Gatorade bath in the winner's circle.
see a gentleman donning a firesuit wearing it. Cinderella might have sported the iconic shoe in fantasy land, but for Lake Ozark, Mo.-based, Pro Extreme racer Cody Barklage, he wasn’t about to hand it over.

In the face of the larger financed teams, Barklage ran just enough to win each round. A likely bridesmaid in the final, he was nearly two-tenths behind Josh Hernandez, his final round opponent all night long.

The clock struck midnight for Hernandez and that was the break Barklage needed to capitalize. Hernandez crossed the centerline while Barklage thundered to a 3.912 elapsed time, 190.48 mph. The stunningly attractive blonde walking around National Trail Raceway looking for her glass slipper was shocked to
Cody Barklage takes a Gatorade bath in the winner's circle.
see a gentleman donning a firesuit wearing it. Cinderella might have sported the iconic shoe in fantasy land, but for Lake Ozark, Mo.-based, Pro Extreme racer Cody Barklage, he wasn’t about to hand it over.

In the face of the larger financed teams, Barklage ran just enough to win each round. A likely bridesmaid in the final, he was nearly two-tenths behind Josh Hernandez, his final round opponent all night long.

The clock struck midnight for Hernandez and that was the break Barklage needed to capitalize. Hernandez crossed the centerline while Barklage thundered to a 3.912 elapsed time, 190.48 mph.

“Words can't describe it,” said Barklage, moments before being doused with Gatorade in the winner’s circle. “There's nothing out there that can describe this right now.  We've been racing for 10 years and we've never gotten the national win and now we've finally got it.  We needed it, it was long overdue especially with the bad luck we had a couple years back.”

Barklage’s victory provides some breathing room for the driver with one qualifying race left headed into the Battle for the Belts competition during October, at the ADRL World Finals in Dallas, Texas.

“Gets us that much closer,” Barklage confirmed. “I don't even know what to say, but it gets us closer.”

What he can say is this victory provides a strong measure of confidence heading into next month’s ADRL stop in Rockingham, N.C. Confidence and the unpredictable nature of drag racing are two different things.

“It helps with the confidence some but it's drag racing, anything can happen,” Barklage explained. “You've always gotta be confident if you want to do good but like I said it's drag racing and anything can happen.”

Yes, and sometimes you swipe Cinderella’s slipper.

