For 25 years, Frank Hawley’s Drag Racing School has been teaching some of the biggest names in the sport how to speed down the track.
Alumni include such NHRA Full Throttle Series regulars as Larry Dixon, Tony Schumacher, Ashley Force Hood, Robert Hight, Antron Brown, Doug Kalitta and Tony Pedregon.
However, the school is open to anyone who has a desire to see what it’s like to make a quick run down a quartermile dragstrip. Experienced racers also attend to improve their skills.

For 25 years, Frank Hawley’s Drag Racing School has been teaching some of the biggest names in the sport how to speed down the track.
Alumni include such NHRA Full Throttle Series regulars as Larry Dixon, Tony Schumacher, Ashley Force Hood, Robert Hight, Antron Brown, Doug Kalitta and Tony Pedregon.
However, the school is open to anyone who has a desire to see what it’s like to make a quick run down a quartermile dragstrip. Experienced racers also attend to improve their skills.
“We get a wide range of ages and occupations, from truck driver to brain surgeon,” said Paul Shields, who coordinates the classes at Hawley’s headquarters in Gainesville, Fla.
A class will be offered Monday and Tuesday, Sept. 7-8, at Maple Grove Raceway. For the 15 or so students who are enrolled, they will find a fluid, and fun, day with Hawley and his staff.
“Frank has a system that really keeps things flowing really smoothly,” Shields said. “If you’re racer with more experience, you don’t get held up. We run everyone through the same paces, but experienced racers won’t get bored. We have a fluid program. Frank teaches class personally and he will bring two guys to run cars.”
Safety is also a big factor.
“We have a lot of fun, and it’s not a heavy environment, but we’re not joking around all the time,” Shields said. “We want people to take it seriously and safety is paramount. We start with short run lengths and work our way down the track. Frank has great sense of humor, but keeps it on a professional level. By the end of the class everybody has a blast.”
Classes are held throughout the year in Florida and other sites around the country including Las Vegas, Norwalk, Ohio, Denver and Maple Grove.
For more information about Frank Hawley’s Drag Racing School call 866-480-7223 or visit www.frankhawleyonline.com

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