Don Prudhomme announced on Friday at the NHRA U.S. Nationals in Indianapolis that his entire race team is for sale immediately. In a press conference, the multi-time NHRA World Champion announced that he will not field a team in 2010 unless a sponsorship is procured.

Prudhomme announced that his longtime association with the United States Smokeless Tobacco ends at the end of the season. Reportedly new legislation regarding tobacco advertising played a large role in the decision to discontinue the program.

Don Prudhomme announced on Friday at the NHRA U.S. Nationals in Indianapolis that his entire race team is for sale immediately. In a press conference, the multi-time NHRA World Champion announced that he will not field a team in 2010 unless a sponsorship is procured.

Prudhomme announced that his longtime association with the United States Smokeless Tobacco ends at the end of the season. Reportedly new legislation regarding tobacco advertising played a large role in the decision to discontinue the program.

If he fails to sign a sponsor before January, Prudhomme said he's unlikely to field a race team again.

"This year marks my 47th season owning and operating professional race teams, which I have always prided myself in running like a business," said Prudhomme. "It has never been cheap to field a team that can compete at a championship-caliber level and also provide sponsors with the presentation elements they deserve. However, over the past few years our sport has seen expenses for all professional teams escalate significantly, making it impractical to continue doing business as usual. Given the current ecomomy, sponsorship alone is not enough to run one of these cars.

"I cannot say enough about Spencer and the job he has done and will obviously continue to honor our contract with him. Hopefully we will be able to find ourselves in a position that will allow him to continue to drive with us next season."



