DSC_7208Mike Janis certainly is glad he changed his plans for this past weekend and decided to compete in the new Barwa 1/8-Mile Challenge. It added $20,000 to his bank account, as sailed to the final-round victory over disabled Dwayne Wolfe.
"We hadn't even planned on coming, because the weather didn't look so good," Janis said. "After the season we had -- we had some ups and downs -- now to end the season like this . . . it's great to be here."
He was No. 1 qualifier with a 3.926-second, 192.85-mph performance and had his Jan-Cen Racing '68 Firebird hooked up all weekend. But he was fortunate that Wolfe, of Moorefield, WVa., was unable to overcome the transmission trouble he experienced with his Pontiac at the end of his semifinal victory over Mike Stawicki in a battle between the Nos. 2 and 3 qualifiers.


Mike Janis certainly is glad he changed his plans for this past weekend and decided to compete in the new Barwa 1/8-Mile Challenge. It added $20,000 DSC_7208to his bank account, as sailed to the final-round victory over disabled Dwayne Wolfe.
"We hadn't even planned on coming, because the weather didn't look so good," Janis said. "After the season we had -- we had some ups and downs -- now to end the season like this . . . it's great to be here."
He was No. 1 qualifier with a 3.926-second, 192.85-mph performance and had his Jan-Cen Racing '68 Firebird hooked up all weekend. But he was fortunate that Wolfe, of Moorefield, WVa., was unable to overcome the transmission trouble he experienced with his Pontiac at the end of his semifinal victory over Mike Stawicki in a battle between the Nos. 2 and 3 qualifiers.
Wolfe's problems continued in the final, as he tried desperately to get his car to fire on the back-up from the burnout. He was able to back up but knew it was not in shape to give Janis a challenge. As if that weren't aggravating enough for Wolfe, Janis' '68 Firebird lost traction and Janis simply coasted to an 8.195-second, 64.58-mph victory.
"I smoked the tires, but I'll take it any way I can get it," Janis said. "I wish we had had a good run with Dwayne."
It was an $18,000 misfortune for Wolfe, who earned $2,000.

Stawicki turned in top speed during qualifying at 200.32 mph.

