dsa_4155_20100309_1386448931Running the quickest lap ever in doorslammer drag racing history certainly makes Canadian racer Raymond Commissoo the man to beat this season in GSA NHRA Pro Modified competition. This year marks the first time in nearly a decade the Pro Modified division will race minus the "exhibition" label.

Commisso topped his Monday afternoon 5.809 elapsed time with a 5.78, 252.57 pass in testing at South Georgia Motorsports Park in Valdosta, Ga.

Since joining R2B2 Racing full-time, Commisso has gone from a freewheeling and mostly underfunded independent to a well-supported professional driver and his performances on the racetrack have taken a noticeable upturn. He currently holds the national elapsed time record of 5.881 seconds and has recorded the quickest run in history at 5.817 seconds. People are starting to take notice.


Running the quickest lap ever in doorslammer drag racing history certainly makes Canadian racer Raymond Commissoo the man to beat this season in dsa_4155_20100309_1386448931GSA NHRA Pro Modified competition. This season marks the first time in nearly a decade the Pro Modified division will race minus the "exhibition" label.

Commisso topped his Monday afternoon 5.809 elapsed time with a 5.78, 252.57 pass in testing at South Georgia Motorsports Park in Valdosta, Ga.

Since joining R2B2 Racing full-time, Commisso has gone from a freewheeling and mostly underfunded independent to a well-supported professional driver and his performances on the racetrack have taken a noticeable upturn. He currently holds the national elapsed time record of 5.881 seconds and has recorded the quickest run in history at 5.817 seconds. People are starting to take notice.

"Always before I have been the underdog when I’ve been drag racing," Commisso said. "I’ve always had a low budget and never had the best of everything, but I loved to race – that’s why I kept doing it.

"Now it’s the other way around. I pull into the park and I know I’m one of the top cars around. I know I can go out there and qualify No. 1 and win races. Being connected with Roger has been the greatest thing in my career."

Now a front-runner, Commisso enjoys his new status.

"I want everybody to bring their A-game to every race because I always being mine," he said. "I like the pressure; it makes me perform better.

"This weekend will be the toughest competition of my racing career. The best of the best are going to show up for this one. Whoever wins will deserve it because there will be no slouches out there with all the heavy-hitting teams on the entry list."


