Never would have John Force envisioned one of his ramblings would have yielded a prize. During the NHRA Las Vegas race coverage, Force was STL_FRI_028interviewed by ESPN2 regarding the No. 2 points earner Matt Hagan.

Force went on to spin a lengthy yarn about how tough Hagan is due to his rancher occupation and the revelation led to a story about his youth when he and older brother Louis faced off with an angry steer.

Today, Hagan presented Force with a helmet equipped with two large horns from a steer which used to live on his ranch.


Never would have John Force envisioned one of his ramblings would have yielded a prize. During the NHRA Las Vegas race coverage, Force was STL_FRI_028interviewed by ESPN2 regarding the No. 2 points earner Matt Hagan.

Force went on to spin a lengthy yarn about how tough Hagan is due to his rancher occupation and the revelation led to a story about his youth when he and older brother Louis faced off with an angry steer.

Today, Hagan presented Force with a helmet equipped with two large horns from a steer which used to live on his ranch.

“I just figured we could have some fun with it,” Hagan said. “We had some horns laying around the house, and I found an old Pro Mod helmet with a skull painted on it. It was pretty cool to mount those horns.”

Force was impressed to say the least.

“It’s pretty awesome,” Force admitted as he tried on the new helmet. “It was quite a gesture and he’s a good guy. He looked at me at first almost like he thought he was insulting me. I love it. In competition which is neck and neck, you gotta know how to have fun. I will say one thing, the kid knows how to get television time.”

And for Force, the kid’s willingness to stand up to the champion and present the gift was impressive.

“I understand the kid has no fear, he’s a rancher. First of all, when you’re built like that. Who is going to have any fear? It’s cool … big ‘ole giant horns. I tried to get in the car with it on, but realized I needed a wider roll cage. He said it was one of his old Pro Mod helmets, but how in the heck he got it in there, I’ll never know.”

For Hagan, he made the most of an inventory of odd items.

“When you have as much cattle as we do, you’re going to have stuff laying around,” said Hagan. “You never know what you are going to find until you dig through the pile.”


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