Lynn_Nickerson_2Two-time cancer survivor will be on hand for American Cancer Society event Friday

Lynn Nickerson stuttered as a child. He’s not alone, many children do. But how many of those children grow up to be a nationally known PA announcer?

Nickerson, a Fort Worth resident, is the voice of Division 4 NHRA drag racing. He cleared a lot of hurdles that included speech therapy and loads of patience to become a highly revered man with a microphone.

The battle to overcome a stutter, however, is nothing compared to the two times he has fought cancer.  Nickerson beat esophageal cancer in 2004 and then conquered it again in 2006 when that same cancer traveled to his kidneys.

Two-time cancer survivor will be on hand for American Cancer Society event Friday
Lynn Nickerson stuttered as a child. He’s not alone, many children do. But how many of those children grow up to be a nationally known PA announcer?

Nickerson, a Fort Worth resident, is the voice of Division 4 NHRA drag racing. He cleared a lot of hurdles that included speech therapy and loads of patience to become a highly revered man with a microphone.

The battle to overcome a stutter, however, is nothing compared to the two times he has fought cancer.  Nickerson beat esophageal cancer in 2004 and then conquered it again in 2006 when that same cancer traveled to his kidneys.

Simply put, Nickerson knows how to put up a good fight.

“I think that in order to beat something like cancer, you have to believe in yourself and place your belief in a higher power,” Nickerson said. “God’s intervention had a lot to do with my ability to beat cancer. I also had tremendous support from racers and everyone involved in the racing community.”

Nickerson will be in good company Friday when the Texas Motorplex plays host to the American Cancer Society’s Relay for Life event. Participants will be walking for 12 consecutive hours to honor those lost to cancer, to celebrate those who have fought and survived cancer and to support continuing research.

“This is an incredible event because it creates awareness and the more people that are aware of cancer, the quicker we can find a cure,” Nickerson said. “We also need to realize that when your body sends us a signal, we need to respond. Mine started out as something that felt like heartburn, but it wasn’t heartburn. It takes a lot to survive and I’m grateful I listened to those signals.”

Texas Motorplex General Manager Gabrielle Stevenson said Nickerson is the perfect example of what makes the Relay for Life such a valuable event.

“Lynn is a part of the Texas Motorplex family and is an amazing positive force in the drag racing community,” Stevenson said. “He and all the other cancer survivors are the reason why people gather to celebrate accomplishments and pledge to find a cure. What Lynn has done to overcome cancer is nothing short of a brilliant example of strength and dedication. The Relay for Life honors that courage.”

The Relay for Life starts at 6 p.m. Friday and ends at 6 a.m. Saturday. There will be several ceremonies and celebrations throughout the event. The Luminaria Ceremony, one of the most moving moments of the event, will be held at 9 p.m. when walking stops and the names of those battling cancer or those lost to cancer will be read out loud under the glow of candlelight.


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