Rodger Brogdon and the Attitude Apparel / Kent Services & trucking team will roll into Bandimere Speedway for this week’s NHRA Mopar Mile High Seattle_Friday_004Nationals looking to have a weekend as special as last year’s event was.

“This time last year we were beginning to get our feet under us as we were working our way through our first full year of Pro Stock racing,” commented Brogdon. “And we knew we had a pretty good car coming in. The 6 second barrier was still an obstacle in the thin, mile high air of Bandimere Speedway, yet everyone felt going in that 2009 was the year the mark would be broken. Once qualifying was completed we were one of the 6 cars that broke into that magic zone last year and as such we ended up #6 qualifier, our best effort yet as a new team.”

“Race day at the 2009 event found us coming up on the short end of a holeshot loss to Rickie Jones and while that loss was a bitter pill to swallow, we also rolled out of Denver knowing that we were continuing to make progress. This year’s event finds us in much the same position as we are continuing to develop our new chassis set up. We’ve made numerous changes since our crash in St. Louis and our crew chief change in Bristol and we’re continuing to refine that setup. In Seattle we learned some things that worked, yet in Sonoma we went back a couple of steps, but isn’t that how you make progress in this class?”

Rodger Brogdon and the Attitude Apparel / Kent Services & trucking team will roll into Bandimere Speedway for this week’s NHRA Mopar Mile High Seattle_Friday_004Nationals looking to have a weekend as special as last year’s event was.

“This time last year we were beginning to get our feet under us as we were working our way through our first full year of Pro Stock racing,” said Brogdon. “And we knew we had a pretty good car coming in. The 6 second barrier was still an obstacle in the thin, mile high air of Bandimere Speedway, yet everyone felt going in that 2009 was the year the mark would be broken. Once qualifying was completed we were one of the 6 cars that broke into that magic zone last year and as such we ended up #6 qualifier, our best effort yet as a new team.”

“Race day at the 2009 event found us coming up on the short end of a holeshot loss to Rickie Jones and while that loss was a bitter pill to swallow, we also rolled out of Denver knowing that we were continuing to make progress. This year’s event finds us in much the same position as we are continuing to develop our new chassis set up. We’ve made numerous changes since our crash in St. Louis and our crew chief change in Bristol and we’re continuing to refine that setup. In Seattle we learned some things that worked, yet in Sonoma we went back a couple of steps, but isn’t that how you make progress in this class?”

With two races to go before the NHRA begins its countdown to one, the Pistonator and the Attitude Apparel team find themselves still in the mix for a shot at the championship run. “We need another good weekend in Denver to solidify our position. Once we‘re locked into the top 10 and the Countdown to One begins we can take the lessons we’ve been learning these past few races and start giving everyone a run for the money, and trust me, the countdown is something we are all looking forward to.”

As Brogdon continued, “Unfortunately we will be without (team owner) Steve Kent again this weekend. He’s missed the last couple of events to be home with his ailing father and this past Tuesday night his dad passed away. Everyone on the team has Steve, his wife Trudy and the rest of the Kent family in our thoughts and prayers and we are all going to be giving it 110% this weekend to win one for them.”

