blossom_stockThe first day of the 56th annual NHRA U.S. Nationals are in the books with the unlikeliest of racing combinations atop the 164-car Stock eliminator field.

Charles Blossom stormed to 13.900 elapsed time, -1.77 under the D/Front Wheel-drive Stock index to put over four tenths between his 146-inch Dodge powered PT Crusier, and the No. 2 qualifier Cory Bales, who runs an E/Stock Automatic 2009 Dodge Challenger.

Rounding out the top ten of Stock qualifiers in the 172-entry field is Dempsey Pendarvis [C/SA, 2009 Challenger], Jeff Teuton [G/SA, 2009 Challenger], Chris Holbrook [E/SA, 2010 Mustang], PB Candies [E/SA, 2009 Challenger], Irvin Johns [D/SA, 2009 Challenger], Steve Polhill [EF/S, 1982 Escort], Ronald Seibenick [EF/S, 1984 Topaz] and Don Fezell [AA/S, 2008 Mustang].


Charles Blossom’s Front Wheel Drive Machine Goes to the Top of Stock!

The first day of the 56th annual NHRA U.S. Nationals are in the books with the unlikeliest of racing combinations atop the 164-car Stock eliminator field.
Charles Blossom stormed to 13.900 elapsed time, -1.77 under the D/Front Wheel-drive Stock index to put over four tenths between his 146-inch Dodge powered PT Crusier, and the No. 2 qualifier Cory Bales, who runs an E/Stock Automatic 2009 Dodge Challenger.

Rounding out the top ten of Stock qualifiers in the 172-entry field is Dempsey Pendarvis [C/SA, 2009 Challenger], Jeff Teuton [G/SA, 2009 Challenger], Chris Holbrook [E/SA, 2010 Mustang], PB Candies [E/SA, 2009 Challenger], Irvin Johns [D/SA, 2009 Challenger], Steve Polhill [EF/S, 1982 Escort], Ronald Seibenick [EF/S, 1984 Topaz] and Don Fezell [AA/S, 2008 Mustang].

Leading the charge in the Super Stock division after one session is the classic Super Stock/B stick car, a '64 Ford Thunderbolt, of Paul Adams with an 8.845, -1.055 under his index. Adams edged out the GT/BA 2008 Cobalt of Irvin Johns by .003.

Rounding out the top ten qualifiers in the 100-car field are Randy Hopkins [SS/AA, 2010 Mustang], Kevin Murphy [GT/MA, 1988 Cutlass], Bobby Dennis [GT/MA, 1990 Calais], Eric Bell [SS/EA, 1970 Charger], Rock Haas [SS/DA, 2008 Mustang], PB Candies [SS/BA, 2010 Mustang] and Jeff Colvert [SS/G, 1969 Mustang].

The Super Comp and Super Gas divisions were afforded time trial runs on Wednesday.

Stock class eliminations begin at 8 AM on Thursday. Super Stock has two sessions and Competition eliminator has two.

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