The excitement in Bob Glidden’s voice told the story.
The ten-time NHRA Pro Stock champion and nine-time Indy winner, after a successful test with Jim Cunningham’s Mustang Pro Stocker will compete in this weekend’s NHRA U.S. Nationals.

“This was a pretty big deal for me just getting to drive this car,” admitted Glidden, who was en route from Martin, Mich., to Indianapolis on Wednesday afternoon.

The excitement in Bob Glidden’s voice told the story.
The ten-time NHRA Pro Stock champion and nine-time Indy winner, after a successful test with Jim Cunningham’s Mustang Pro Stocker will compete in this weekend’s NHRA U.S. Nationals.

“This was a pretty big deal for me just getting to drive this car,” admitted Glidden, who was en route from Martin, Mich., to Indianapolis on Wednesday afternoon.

Glidden spent two days testing at U.S. 131 Dragway where he pointed out from the onset his inclusion in this weekend’s event would be predicated by how he felt driving the car.

While driving the car was a blast, Glidden confirmed he had no flashbacks to the days when he raced a Pro Stock Fairmont.

“There were some things we needed to fix with the car, and I relayed that to the crew,” Glidden explained. “It was pretty horrible and on the verge of being undriveable. We took some major steps in taking this car to the point where it will drive good.”

Then Glidden paused and the emotions flowed freely.

“It was a pretty awesome feeling,” Glidden said. “I had a blast. I certainly didn’t dream of something like this. I was just so excited to do a burnout that I couldn’t stand it.”

Glidden made ten full passes over the course of two days and netted a best 6.730 at 205 miles per hour.

“I know the speed isn’t that good but on each run, the car got a little bit better,” Glidden said. “We can still use some horsepower but Jim Cunningham has a good team here with fresh ideas.”

And for Glidden, that was all he needed for a racing rebirth.

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