Warren Johnson received a gift from his nitro adversary Jim Head. Head debuted a new t-shirt for the Indy weekend and wanted Johnson to wj_shirthave the first one.

After all, Head says, “He inspired it.”

Emblazoned on the back of the shirt was the likeness of the late Ray Charles, a blind blues singing legend.

The shirt reads, “Ain’t nothing to it, even a blind cat can do it.”

Warren Johnson received a gift from his nitro adversary Jim Head. Head debuted a new t-shirt for the Indy weekend and wanted Johnson to wj_shirthave the first one.

After all, Head says, “He inspired it.”

Emblazoned on the back of the shirt was the likeness of the late Ray Charles, a blind blues singing legend.

The shirt reads, “Ain’t nothing to it, even a blind cat can do it.”

Johnson was quoted on ESPN2 as saying Ray Charles could drive a nitro car in his current state. The Pro Stock veteran was frustrated by what he and his fellow eliminator racers deemed as unacceptable track conditions for their cars.

Johnson got a chuckle out of Heads gesture but took the moment to explain his words were taken out of context initially.

“If they would have listened to what I said; I said it didn’t take any particular talent to drive one,” Johnson explained. “I didn’t say they didn’t have any talent. You look at Cruz Pedregon, he’s driven dirt cars. Ron Capps has driven a variety of dirt cars and has been successful. Doug Kalitta has run sprint cars. There is a lot of talent over there. The point of my whole tirade was to get the track conditions fixed.”

The tirade earned Johnson multiple invitations to drive nitro cars. He hasn’t turned down their offers.

“I possibly would but I got kinda concerned when they said, ‘we’ll take care of you,” Johnson said with a hearty laugh.

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