Top Fuel racer Bob Vandergriff is on a scavenger hunt, and a couple of the items on his list definitely are a bit out of the ordinary: one Russian billionaire and one vandergriffmovie star.

Vandergriff, whose limited funding has allowed him to compete at only six races this year so far and these final six, has been scouring the nation -- and the globe -- for sponsorship packages to help his own cause and those of other racers, as well. And he has forced himself to change the paradigms for the sponsorship procurement process. 

"It's like anything else -- it's tough," he said of the economic environment in which has to operate each day. "Companies are watching their budgets and where they spend. You have to be creative in how you approach it and think of non-traditional ways and non-traditional avenues. "You just kind of throw out your thinking on how you used to go do it and who you used to go talk to. You see our sport now," Vandergriff said. "We have sheiks. We have an oil and gas sponsor. We have people outside the normal realm. You have to expand the way you think. Go find yourself a Russian billionaire or a movie company that wants to get involved or a movie star who is looking to do some things. You have to think outside the normal avenue and try to find potential opportunities. That's what I try to do every day."

Top Fuel racer Bob Vandergriff is on a scavenger hunt, and a couple of the items on his list definitely are a bit out of the ordinary: one Russian billionaire and one vandergriffmovie star.

Vandergriff, whose limited funding has allowed him to compete at only six races this year so far and these final six, has been scouring the nation -- and the globe -- for sponsorship packages to help his own cause and those of other racers, as well. And he has forced himself to change the paradigms for the sponsorship procurement process. 

"It's like anything else -- it's tough," he said of the economic environment in which has to operate each day. "Companies are watching their budgets and where they spend. You have to be creative in how you approach it and think of non-traditional ways and non-traditional avenues. "You just kind of throw out your thinking on how you used to go do it and who you used to go talk to. You see our sport now," Vandergriff said. "We have sheiks. We have an oil and gas sponsor. We have people outside the normal realm. You have to expand the way you think. Go find yourself a Russian billionaire or a movie company that wants to get involved or a movie star who is looking to do some things. You have to think outside the normal avenue and try to find potential opportunities. That's what I try to do every day." 

during the Indy weekend he was laying a foundation for a strong showing in the 2011 season, both with funding and with the C&J Energy Services Dragster itself. "We're running the rest of the season; I'll be at the last six races," Vandergriff said. "We're still trying to get a direction for next year, parts-wise and tune-up-wise. We'll know a little bit more after this weekend as far as what direction we're going. C&J is going to be involved. They may be involved the whole (2011) season. We're going to look at that from a standpoint of 'Does it make sense, or does it make sense to bring some other people on board for some of the races, as well?' When we leave here, we'll have a little better game plan."  

One thing is certain for next season, Vandergriff said. "Our plan is to run all the races." Whether he'll field just his dragster or a second car depends on his negotiating skill in Corporate America. "We talk to a lot of different companies and a lot of agencies," he said. "If we're able to put together multiple companies that want to be involved, then we'll have to run a second team. Our goal is to make sure we have one fully funded and then we'll start looking at other options." For now, Vandergriff said, "We're obviously coming to the race and trying to be competitive, but at the same time, we'll try to learn stuff for next year, as well." 

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