Johnny Gray understands that it’s the son who is traditionally supposed to emulate the father. But, this time the patriarch of a grayfather/son Pro Stock team, decided following his son’s lead wouldn’t be a bad idea.

In the coming weeks Gray will debut a new Pontiac GXP based on the design Shane Gray is driving. The cars are for the most part the same but Shane’s car has a few subtle differences.

“There's a little difference in the two cars and we're building another one like Shane's,” said Gray. “I don't know that it performs any better. We feel like there are some subtle changes that the guys like a little better. Shane's car seems to be a little more forgiving than my car.”

A new car combined with an emerging engine program could yield dividends for Gray as the season enters the championship phase. West is pleased with the program but believes the horsepower isn’t where it needs to be yet.

“Well everybody tells me it's coming along real good and I keep calling the shop telling them we're terrible, that we need more power,” said Gray. “It's the age old Pro Stock deal. The guys at the shop have to work night and day to try to get us to the top of the heap. When we get to the top of the heap, then they have to work night and day to stay ahead.”

Gray believes his work will be cut out for him and his son, now that the Countdown is underway. He feels there will be some teams all too willing to turn the wick up after keeping some in reserve.

“It's going to be real interesting, now that we're actually starting the points battle, to see who comes out and runs significantly harder than they've been running the last few races,” Gray said. “I have a sneaking suspicion Mike will show his true colors, again. I think a few other people might, too.”

No, Gray isn’t suggesting there’s been any sandbagging going on.

“I think some of the guys might have been doing a little bit of testing,” said West. “I am not sure guys like Mike might have his best motor all freshened up in getting ready for the Countdown.”

Edwards finished runner-up at the NHRA U.S. Nationals while Gray lost in the first round.

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