The Shakedown at E’Town has a new title sponsor—sort of.

Not 24 hours after Attitude’s CompetitionPlus.com reported on the loss of Sheikh Khalid (KH) Al-Thani’s Al-Anabi Racing as the main backer of the 8th annual Shakedown, set for Oct. 1-3, at Old Bridge Township Raceway Park in Englishtown, New Jersey, race founder and promoter David Hance says the Sheikh is back on board, thanks to a last-minute resolution brokered by ADRL President Kenny Nowling.

“Actually, Kenny had called me on Thursday to tell me that he was sad to see that we were in this predicament and he was going to do everything he could to help us find a solution. And he did,” Hance said. “He and KH got together, and although they couldn't do something with Al-Anabi because of the contract prohibitions, they put their heads together and came up with something else.”

Though Hance said he wasn’t yet sure what the name of the Shakedown title sponsor will be this year, he confirmed that Nowling told him about 11 a.m. today (Sep. 17), that a secure deal was in its final stages.

The Shakedown at E’Town has a new title sponsor—sort of.

Not 24 hours after Attitude’s CompetitionPlus.com reported on the loss of Sheikh Khalid (KH) Al-Thani’s Al-Anabi Racing as the main backer of the 8th annual Shakedown, set for Oct. 1-3, at Old Bridge Township Raceway Park in Englishtown, New Jersey, race founder and promoter David Hance says the Sheikh is back on board, thanks to a last-minute resolution brokered by ADRL President Kenny Nowling.

“Actually, Kenny had called me on Thursday to tell me that he was sad to see that we were in this predicament and he was going to do everything he could to help us find a solution. And he did,” Hance said. “He and KH got together, and although they couldn't do something with Al-Anabi because of the contract prohibitions, they put their heads together and came up with something else.”

The Shakedown at E’Town has a new title sponsor—sort of.
Not 24 hours after Attitude’s CompetitionPlus.com reported on the loss of Sheikh Khalid (KH) Al-Thani’s Al-Anabi Racing as the main backer of the 8th annual Shakedown, set for Oct. 1-3, at Old Bridge Township Raceway Park in Englishtown, New Jersey, race founder and promoter David Hance says the Sheikh is back on board, thanks to a last-minute resolution brokered by ADRL President Kenny Nowling.

“Actually, Kenny had called me on Thursday to tell me that he was sad to see that we were in this predicament and he was going to do everything he could to help us find a solution. And he did,” Hance said. “He and KH got together, and although they couldn't do something with Al-Anabi because of the contract prohibitions, they put their heads together and came up with something else.”

Though Hance said he wasn’t yet sure what the name of the Shakedown title sponsor will be this year, he confirmed that Nowling told him about 11 a.m. today (Sep. 17), that a secure deal was in its final stages.

“I would like to publicly thank KH and Kenny Nowling for stepping up and helping to support heads-up drag racing in the northeastern United States,” an obviously relieved Hance said.

“The fact of the matter is, I don't have a lot of time and I have a tremendous responsibility to the track, to the racers and to the fans, and things have to be delivered because there's a lot of other drag racing in this region that builds off of this event. We don't want to have the Shakedown have a negative snowball effect; it needs to have a positive snowball effect and this sponsorship will go a long way to making sure that happens.”

Hance also credited the online drag racing media and community for its support.

“The media really played a role in resolving this issue, there's no doubt about that,” he stated. “I can't thank Attitude's CompetitionPlus.com enough for everything they do for drag racing. Web sites like that, Yellow Bullet, ProModifieds.us, Pro Mod Zone, Drag Racing Online, Fast Doorslammers; they really have become the backbone of our sport.”

Hance said an official title sponsorship announcement regarding the Shakedown at E’Town will be released shortly.

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