What do certain NHRA officials, including Graham Light, senior vice president-racing operations, have in common with every competitor at an NHRA National lightevent? Answer - they are subject to the same random drug testing as the competitors. And, they must comply with those same rules, including, but not limited to, the 24 hour clock.

“Yes,” replied Light, when asked if his name had ever come up to be tested, “More than once.”

When queried concerning the inconvenience, considering his mountain of duties at a national event, Light replied, “ You make the time. For me or any of our officials to not adhere to it or to not to be able to comply in the (allotted) time – we have to set an example. We have to comply. I understand everyone is busy, all of us, it is just part of the environment we live in today.”

What do certain NHRA officials, including Graham Light, senior vice president-racing operations, have in common with every competitor at an NHRA National

According to Graham Light, NHRA VP of Operations, NHRA officials are drug tested under the same guidelines as the competitors themselves.
event? Answer - they are subject to the same random drug testing as the competitors. And, they must comply with those same rules, including, but not limited to, the 24 hour clock.

“Yes,” replied Light, when asked if his name had ever come up to be tested, “More than once.”

When queried concerning the inconvenience, considering his mountain of duties at a national event, Light replied, “ You make the time. For me or any of our officials to not adhere to it or to not to be able to comply in the (allotted) time – we have to set an example. We have to comply. I understand everyone is busy, all of us, it is just part of the environment we live in today.”

Since the inception of the drug and alcohol testing policy in 1992, Light could only recall one NHRA official, a part-timer, who failed the test. The occasion was last fall at zMAX Dragway in Concord, NC., and the failure involved the alcohol portion of the procedure.

Following the guidelines, the part-time employee was released from his weekend duties as required under the testing guidelines. However, NHRA went, according to Light, a step further. The part-time employee was required to complete an alcohol abuse program before he was allowed to work future NHRA events.

In the nearly 20 year history on the drug and alcohol policy adopted by the NHRA, only three drivers have been been suspended, two of those are Mike Strasburg and Matt Guidera. The third is a stock eliminator driver, whose name Light could not recall immediately, who was suspended during a running of the U.S. Nationals in Indianapolis in the early part of this decade.

“We have always felt it is important, taken it serious,” said Light of the drug testing policy, “And handled a non-compliance with submitting a sample as serious as reported violations. If you don't have a severe penalty, the easy way around it is to not show up in the allotted time frame. We don't feel there is any room for illegal drugs in any form of motorsports. When it comes to non-compliance with the policy, there are serious penalties to play.”

At this time the NHRA is considering changes to the current policy to “better reflect the times we live in.” Those changes will not affect the desire of NHRA to discourage the use of drugs and alcohol, in the sport.

This story is just the first of two looking at the NHRA's alcohol and drug testing policy. In the near future a comprehensive look at the policy, procedure, appeal process and future of the policy will be published.



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