brian_head_shot.jpgBrian Wood is a special person who easily throws his heart into his passion. He joined the Torco’s team 139 issues ago and the impact he made on our team went well beyond just putting words and photos on a computer screen. Brian has been more than a team player. He was a spirit – a spirit of someone who desperately wanted to find a place in the drag racing world.

I can speak on behalf of the staff of Torco’s when I say that we’re glad that he found a place with us. He worked long and tireless hours in the formative years of this magazine and worked many seasons for little or no pay just like the rest of us. Brian always had his eye on a brighter day, which eventually came when we signed a title rights program with Torco Race Fuels.

brian_head_shot.jpgBrian Wood is a special person who easily throws his heart into his passion. He joined the Torco’s team 139 issues ago and the impact he made on our team went well beyond just putting words and photos on a computer screen. Brian has been more than a team player. He was a spirit – a spirit of someone who desperately wanted to find a place in the drag racing world.

I can speak on behalf of the staff of Torco’s when I say that we’re glad that he found a place with us. He worked long and tireless hours in the formative years of this magazine and worked many seasons for little or no pay just like the rest of us. Brian always had his eye on a brighter day, which eventually came when we signed a title rights program with Torco Race Fuels.

Yesterday was Brian’s last day as an editorial team member with Torco’s He’s got an incredible opportunity before him. We always knew that his talents of writing and photography would eventually make a difference in drag racing – and they did and will continue to for many seasons to come.

We have mixed emotions about saying goodbye because there’s a part of us that will miss his daily presence and there’s another that is extremely proud of him. He earned his place in the sport honestly. We were just proud to have him perform on our stage.

Brian, may you have the best fortunes in your exciting new endeavor. We were proud to have you as a part of our team.
