GGWOY-LynnNacerelease.jpgLynn Nace of Intro Wheels was named Goodguys 2008 Woman of the Year during the Goodguys 11th PPG Nationals in Columbus, Ohio. Nace accepted the award, a specially designed character painting by renowned hot rod artist Bob McCoy, at a special industry reception Thursday evening, July 10th in Columbus.

First introduced to cars by her father over fifty years ago, Nace is a leading automotive aftermarket executive and an avid Corvette collector in her hometown of Upland, CA.

Nace has served in numerous roles during her tenure in the hot rodding scene, including back when she was just child retreading tires for her father. For years, her and her husband Dave ran the road sales team for Boyd Coddington Wheels before she went to work full time at Boyd Coddington’s Hot Rod Garage. To keep themselves connected and plugged into the enthusiast side of the industry she and her husband Dave remained active restoring, building and selling classic muscle cars and hot rods. In the fall of 2001, the Nace’s teamed up with Intro Wheels founders Victor and Jose Moreno to expand their new line of hot rod and custom car wheels. Today, with Nace handling the bulk of the company’s burgeoning wheel sales, Intro has truly become an industry Giant. “Lynn is the mother hen of Intro Wheels,” joked her husband. “She does everything around the sales office. If you’ve ever called Intro Wheels, you’ve spoken to Lynn.” GGWOY-LynnNacerelease.jpgLynn Nace of Intro Wheels was named Goodguys 2008 Woman of the Year during the Goodguys 11th PPG Nationals in Columbus, Ohio. Nace accepted the award, a specially designed character painting by renowned hot rod artist Bob McCoy, at a special industry reception Thursday evening, July 10th in Columbus.

First introduced to cars by her father over fifty years ago, Nace is a leading automotive aftermarket executive and an avid Corvette collector in her hometown of Upland, CA.

Nace has served in numerous roles during her tenure in the hot rodding scene, including back when she was just child retreading tires for her father. For years, her and her husband Dave ran the road sales team for Boyd Coddington Wheels before she went to work full time at Boyd Coddington’s Hot Rod Garage. To keep themselves connected and plugged into the enthusiast side of the industry she and her husband Dave remained active restoring, building and selling classic muscle cars and hot rods. In the fall of 2001, the Nace’s teamed up with Intro Wheels founders Victor and Jose Moreno to expand their new line of hot rod and custom car wheels. Today, with Nace handling the bulk of the company’s burgeoning wheel sales, Intro has truly become an industry Giant. “Lynn is the mother hen of Intro Wheels,” joked her husband. “She does everything around the sales office. If you’ve ever called Intro Wheels, you’ve spoken to Lynn.”

When not working a show, Nace likes to cruise the streets of Southern California’s Inland Empire behind the wheel of her 1966 Corvette roadster or her 2006 ‘Vette - a Valentine’s Day present from her husband. But most of all, she relishes her time on the road carrying the new styles and designs of Intro Wheels to enthusiasts around the country. “It’s the people, that I like the most,” she said. “Our friends and customers at the events have become family to me. I couldn’t think of anything else I’d rather be doing.”

About the Goodguys Woman of the Year:
The Goodguys Woman of the Year award is presented annually in honor of the late Karen Bloechl (who was instrumental in the formative years of the Goodguys Association) and recognizes a female industry executive who serves to preserve the integrity and growth of the hot rodding industry.

Past recipients of the Goodguys Woman of the year include: Margie Popp (1991), Ginny Lobeck (1992), Sue Brizio (1993), Maryann Harmon (1994), Karen Doe (1995), DeEtte Crow (1996), Jane Callison (1997), Gayle Stutts (1998), Judy Mullins (1999), Debbie Walls (2000), Jeannie Daly (2001), Donna Smith (2002), Debbie Lewis (2003), Jeanette Ladina (2004), Joyce Smith (2005), Barb Davison (2006) and Stacy Tucker (2007).
