In a flash of 5.5 seconds and a top speed of 260 mph, Canadian racer Dave Szybunka officially became the first student to graduate from Doug Foley's Drag Racing School with an A-Fuel Dragster competition license.

Driving Tom Conway's race-proven and title-winning rail, Szybunka spent two full days at Atco Raceway in New Jersey taking the necessary steps to earn his license. Under the one-on-one tutelage of Foley, a Top Fuel racer, and the steady guidance of noted tuner/driver Conway, Szybunka proved to be a model student.

"The course was a total success and having Dave as our first A-Fuel student made it easy because he was a consummate professional from start to finish," said Foley, who recently added the A-Fuel course to his roster of classes. "Having Tom and his crew there made it feel like we were at a race and the ease at which they performed their duties was exceptional. I'm really excited about the future of the A-Fuel program." In a flash of 5.5 seconds and a top speed of 260 mph, Canadian racer Dave Szybunka officially became the first student to graduate from Doug Foley's Drag Racing School with an A-Fuel Dragster competition license.

Driving Tom Conway's race-proven and title-winning rail, Szybunka spent two full days at Atco Raceway in New Jersey taking the necessary steps to earn his license. Under the one-on-one tutelage of Foley, a Top Fuel racer, and the steady guidance of noted tuner/driver Conway, Szybunka proved to be a model student.

"The course was a total success and having Dave as our first A-Fuel student made it easy because he was a consummate professional from start to finish," said Foley, who recently added the A-Fuel course to his roster of classes. "Having Tom and his crew there made it feel like we were at a race and the ease at which they performed their duties was exceptional. I'm really excited about the future of the A-Fuel program."

Per licensing procedure, Szybunka went through the process of staging the car, performing launches, executing short and mid-range passes, and finally reaching the quarter-mile under full power to renew his license.

"That was the best thing I've ever done," Szybunka said. "I'm a pretty quiet guy by nature. I'll never be confused with John Force. However, since I've gotten home I haven't stopped talking about Doug's school and the entire experience I had there.

"I was completely stunned to be driving one of the best A-Fuel dragsters in the world with Tom Conway and Doug Foley as my instructors. Talk about going first class! They were very thorough, insightful, approachable, and easy to work with. I feel as though I got my money's worth 100 times over."

Szybunka previously raced blown Alcohol Dragsters from 1990-1997, mostly in Div. 6, before business commitments limited the time he had for racing. Now he's ready to get back in the seat and win some trophies.

"After this class I feel as prepared as I can be, short of entering a real event and racing," Szybunka said. "I'm so glad I did this because the difference between the blown car I was driving and an A-Fuel dragster is tremendous. That's a big step up, believe me. My best pass used to be a 5.80 at 240 mph. We blew by that a number of times in this class. The feeling of acceleration is just incredible and I'm glad I learned from the best.

"I would highly recommend this course to anyone who is seriously considering driving an A-Fuel dragster. These guys are the best in the business."

The A-Fuel course at Doug Foley's Drag Racing School is scheduled for individual students by appointment only. The next appearance for the 11-year-old school occurs Aug. 4 in Martin, Mich., where they will offer their renowned Dragster Experience. A full school will be held Aug. 18-19 at Atco Raceway.