DSR Touts The Suzuki of the Future …

suzuki.jpgRemember all the talk by Suzuki riders of the American-made Harley-Davidson and Buell teams having a distinct performance advantage? That banter may be a thing of the past if what translates to performance on paper becomes reality.

Noted Suzuki specialist and Don Schumacher Racing crew chief Steve Tartaglia has heard the talk of this latest in Suzuki technology being the savior for his brand. The nicknames of V-Rod Destroyer and Buell Killer elicits a smile from Tartaglia, who quickly notes, “Those nicknames came from elsewhere than here.” DSR Touts The Suzuki of the Future …

suzuki.jpgRemember all the talk by Suzuki riders of the American-made Harley-Davidson and Buell teams having a distinct performance advantage? That banter may be a thing of the past if what translates to performance on paper becomes reality.

Noted Suzuki specialist and Don Schumacher Racing crew chief Steve Tartaglia has heard the talk of this latest in Suzuki technology being the savior for his brand. The nicknames of V-Rod Destroyer and Buell Killer elicits a smile from Tartaglia, who quickly notes, “Those nicknames came from elsewhere than here.”

suzuki2.jpgThe heir apparent to the Suzuki throne is none other than a purpose-built, inline four-cylinder drag race engine paid for by Suzuki and built by McLaren Engines.

Tartaglia hopes this is a bike that will inspire the NHRA to take weight off of the other combinations in order to keep up. Such a possibility is a ways off, he adds, because at present this new combination is no better than the present system in place.

“On paper it looks really good,” Tartaglia admitted. “We just need to get it to equal what it shows on paper.”

Team owner Don Schumacher confirmed that he will open the season with one team, but could likely expand to a second bike as the season progesses.

"We are finalizing some rules with the NHRA, with that said, I don't think we will be running the bike in Gainesville," Schumacher added. "We could run the bike as a test vehicle in Gainesville, but that would likely be the most we'll do. We could be surprised and testing may allow us to bring it out sooner than that."