In addition to her busy college schedule at Cal State Fullerton and her blossoming race career behind the wheel of the Sanyo Supercharged HD Top Alcohol Dragster, Courtney Force has now added “Agent” for the Fiesta Movement to her expanding resume. As part of the social media program to launch the Ford Fiesta in the U.S. Ford Motor Company selected 100 individuals or “Agents” who have extensive social media networks to drive the Ford Fiesta then talk, blog, photograph, video, and generally expound upon their experiences across the world wide web.

“Being selected as an Agent is a very cool opportunity. I get to be one of the first people in the country to drive one of the new Fiestas and all I have to do is talk about it. That is the easy part because I’ve only had my Fiesta for a couple of days and I love it. It is the perfect car for someone like me who is always on the go, hates to fill up and wants something that is trendy,” said “Agent” Force.

Each “Agent” was presented with their Fiesta last weekend during a two-day training seminar where they learned about all things Fiesta. “Agents” will drive their Fiestas in their daily lives but they will also be asked to complete a monthly “Mission.” The Fiesta Movement will last for six months during which time Force will be updating her various social media platforms about her exploits. Fans are encouraged to follow, post, and interact with Courtney about her Fiesta experiences.

Courtney can be found on the following social media sites or platforms:      search Courtney Force

The 2011 Fiesta will be available in the summer of 2010. Additional information about the Fiesta Movement can be found here:


