With winds gusting over 20 mph yesterday at Cordova International Raceway, it's a fitting ill-weather tribute to the weekend forecasted ahead.  Weather forecasters have been issuing dismal forecasts for this upcoming weekend all week long. The current predictions for the weekend vary from 60-100% chance of rain from Friday afternoon through Monday morning. 

"We've been inundated in the office this week with people already asking what the plan is going to be for this weekend 'when it rains out.'  Racers and spectators alike have already made up their minds that we're not going to race.  If I ever get a new job, I want to be a weather forecaster," General Manager, Bobbi Jo Cox added, "then I can be paid to guess about the weather.  It's frustrating that people base so much off of the forecast when no one knows for sure what's going to happen!"  

The upside to the bad weather conundrum is the paving project.  

"General Asphalt approached us this morning after visiting our track again yesterday, and looking at the weather, about possibly being able to start the paving project a few days sooner.  Since our number one goal right now is to resurface the track for our racers, we listened.  They explained what they needed to do and how it will help them out in the long run of the project if they can get an early start.  That information, coupled with the weather forecast, has us believing that cancelling racing for the weekend is in everyone's best interest," Cox continued.  "We want our racers to be able to have enough time to make other plans, either racing or family-wise, before the weekend." 

Racing for the weekend of Friday, May 8 through Sunday, May 10 has been cancelled due to weather.   

CIR will be offering racers a chance to hit the track on Sunday, May 17 (weather permitting) at our Racer's Appreciation Day.  Everyone who comes to the track that day will pay the $8 spectator fee, but it will be FREE to race.  IHRA will be on hand to help with the repaving project, so it will be prepped like a national event!


