An unsubstantiated rumor has hit the rumor mill with the force of an F-5 tornado and aptly this banter comes from the Midwest.  Reportedly, the assets of the Matco Tools-sponsored team were shopped around the Brownsburg, Ind., area and according to those same sources, have been sold. There's no word on how this affects the team, including driver Antron Brown and/or tuner Lee Beard, for the 2009 season.

There was no word as to who may have purchased the assets.

This brings forth another chapter in the troubled saga of the team which began under the ownership of David Powers and was most recently sold to Tim Buckley.

We'll have more on the fate of the team as it unfolds.

UPDATE: Mike Ashley has purchased the team and will retain Antron Brown as the driver. Crew chief Lee Beard has been replaced by the Ashley's former tuning tandem of Brian Corradi and Mark Oswald. Team sponsor Matco Tools has extended their contract with Mike Ashley Racing through 2010.