When a 14-time Funny Car champion talks, lots of people listen. Force has been talking to folks at Las Vegas Motor Speedway about operating a driving school at the Strip and those people are listening.

Force says should the idea come to fruition, both his daughter Ashley Force Hood and his son-in-law, Robert Hight would be hands on involved in the school along with himself, of course.

When a 14-time Funny Car champion talks, lots of people listen. Force has been talking to folks at Las Vegas VEGAS1_SAT_012Motor Speedway about operating a driving school at the Strip and those people are listening.

Force says should the idea come to fruition, both his daughter Ashley Force Hood and his son-in-law, Robert Hight would be hands on involved in the school along with himself, of course.

Ashley Force Hood spent an evening recently putting together a three page syllabus for sister Courtney on the steps needed to becoming not just a successful driver in the car but one outside the car, as well.

Courtney is already following the outline laid out by her older sister.


