hossler_mishapThis isn't how it was planned.

Alex Hossler was supposed to provide the Rockingham Chamber of Commerce with an exhibition of ADRL Pro Extreme racing. The Canton, Ill.-based driver probably went a little too far on Thursday afternoon at Rockingham Dragway.

Running in the left lane, Hossler’s supercharged Camaro got out of shape, crossed the centerline and made contact with the right lane retaining wall more than once. Hossler was uninjured but the car, not so good.

“We kicked a couple of rods and put a hole in the side of the block,” Hossler explained. “A little mist got out under the right slick and the tire started spinning (after that) I was just along for the ride at that point.”


hossler_mishapThis isn't how it was planned.

Alex Hossler was supposed to provide the Rockingham Chamber of Commerce with an exhibition of ADRL Pro Extreme racing. The Canton, Ill.-based driver probably went a little too far on Thursday afternoon at Rockingham Dragway.

Running in the left lane, Hossler’s supercharged Camaro got out of shape, crossed the centerline and made contact with the right lane retaining wall more than once. Hossler was uninjured but the car, not so good.

“We kicked a couple of rods and put a hole in the side of the block,” Hossler explained. “A little mist got out under the right slick and the tire started spinning (after that) I was just along for the ride at that point.”

Even though the car was basically out of control, Hossler’s competitive nature wouldn’t allow him to ride into the wall without a fight.

“I was just trying to keep from hitting anything,” said Hossler when asked what he was thinking during the accident. “In a case like this, you just try to steer as well as you can. The car is spinning and going over 100 miles per hour. For a moment, when I was in the middle of the track, I thought I was going to get it stopped and not hit anything. The car slowed down and shot over towards the left lane. I tapped (the wall) a couple of times but there was nothing I could do.”

Friday morning, the car was still up on the jack stands, a wearied crew continuing to make necessary repairs.

“We were able to half-a** patch the thing together,” Hossler admitted. “We have another bullet in the car. We’ll just have to see what happens. We are going to make a run at some point in the day,” Hossler said.

The damage to the car, according to Hossler, was primarily cosmetic to the front end. He also broke the wheelie bars and the parachute.

“We had a spare motor and Tommy Mauney loaned us a wing,” Hossler said. “We patched the front end and put new parachutes on.”

Hossler will make a run today, thanks to his hard-working crew never giving up in their efforts to repair the wounded car.

“My guys haven’t even been to bed,” revealed Hossler. “They are going to be like zombies at some point today if not already. It’s either the love of the sport or ignorance.”

Or a competitive desire which just won't let them say “uncle”.


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