Dave Reid, Photos

Pro Slammer racer Russell Pavey wanted to make an impact at the City of Ipswitch Winternationals. The kind he ended up with at Willowbank Raceway wasn't what he envisioned. 

Pavey was making a qualifying attempt on Friday in his 1963 Corvette when he encountered severe tire shake. The car made an abrupt left-hand turn and impacted the retaining wall. The momentum of the out of control car carried it up the wall resulting in a flash fire. The car came to a stop, and emergency crews extracted Pavey, where he was transported to the nearby Ipswitch Hospital where he was kept overnight for observation. 

Pavey was released on Saturday morning and returned to Willowbank Raceway. 

"I'm sore, my neck is hurting some," Pavey revealed. "It only affected the soft tissue, muscle stuff. I was wearing a Hans device and it certainly helped me in this instance."

Pavey said the memory of what happened the day before was fresh in his mind.

"The run was over before it really started," Pavey said. "The car went out a couple hundred feet, and it became apparent something in the rear broke. The car turned hard left and immediately I was staring at the opposite retaining wall head-on. It hit really hard. The car is not so good, but I am okay.

"It's not a nice deal when you look head-on and see the wall. In a situation like that, you just grit your teeth and brace for the worst. At that point, you are just along for the ride."

Pavey explained he prepared for the impact and the anticipated violence. 

"When it hit, I was concerned about the big flash of flame. I was concerned the car might end up on fire with the driver's door against the wall."

Pavey is uncertain whether the Corvette is repairable. 

"The car is not looking good; I'm thinking it's done. But we will look it over and if we can save it, we will. If not, we will build another car like it."
