It’s one of those things she doesn’t want to focus on, but can’t help but think about it. Enders has won four of the first six events this season. Of those four, three are consecutive, a feat she’s only pulled off once in her career. 

“There are way more valleys than there are peaks in this sport, but you just have to ride the wave of success as long as you can,” Enders said. “The pendulum swings in different directions at different times, and we’re on a really great high right now. But I feel like we can continue this for sure. I’m the biggest variable as a human in the cockpit, so if I can continue to do my job I know my guys, when their backs are against the wall, they perform every single time and I try to do the same. So I feel like we’ve really learned how to race on Sunday together because it’s very different than qualifying. 

“You don’t just throw stuff at a wall and hope it sticks. You actually have to perform under pressure as a group, and a lot of things have to go right and right now, they are for us. It’s a long season. We’re not even halfway through yet. But I love it. I’m having so much fun.”

To maintain such a high level of performance, one must be able to block out the noise, a process Enders has mastered more than ever lately.

“There’s a lot of noise and I think Joe Costello made a really good point the other day on his show,” Enders explained. “He said, ‘the young kids are like a clean computer hard drive.”

“There’s not a whole bunch of jumbled mess in there or the blue screen of death popping up every once in a while because they don’t know any different. They’re getting to come into something in state-of-the-art equipment with horsepower that you used to could not buy, and you can now. 

“So it’s a different era of Pro Stock. But yeah, there’s a lot of outside noise, there’s a lot of white noise and that’s probably the biggest challenge is to be able to clear your mind and hit the reset button. If you aren’t feeling great or confident or positive, you really kind of have to talk yourself into it and manifest it because I’m the only one that can control that.”

So how does she clear the noise?

“I spend a little time, before they call us up for first round on Sunday, in my lounge just by myself,” Enders said. “Otherwise, I’ll sit in the car and visualize and go through runs, my foot on the clutch, my hand on the shifter, close my eyes and make runs in my head. Usually, if I can just be alone and not have a whole bunch of clutter going on, then I got to give my sister [Courtney] a lot of credit. She really helps me with my mental side, and so does my dad. He’s a positive mental attitude coach before he was a business guy, and he instilled a lot of that stuff in us. 

“But it’s not to say it comes without challenge. There are days you wake up, and you’re just not feeling it, and those are the days you have to work really hard to be better. I guess a long answer to your question would be just like a few minutes alone, visualize and say a prayer.



