Funny Car veteran learning to be a player on a multi-car team …

toliver_350.jpgEven a seasoned veteran can get “discovered”.

Last year, Jerry Toliver spent much of the season playing drag racing’s version of the opening act as a single-car nitro team. The benefits of multiple sources of information just weren’t available.

Toliver has become part of the headlining act by joining up with the traveling Don Schumacher Racing tour and instead of showing off on a solo basis; he’s playing alongside teammates such as Ron Capps, Gary Scelzi and Jack Beckman.

A larger stage doesn’t guarantee one instant success, but the resources available sure don’t hurt. Optimism is one of the great by-products of being on a multi-car team.

Funny Car veteran learning to be a player on a multi-car team …

toliver_350.jpgEven a seasoned veteran can get “discovered”.

Last year, Jerry Toliver spent much of the season playing drag racing’s version of the opening act as a single-car nitro team. The benefits of multiple sources of information just weren’t available.

Toliver has become part of the headlining act by joining up with the traveling Don Schumacher Racing tour and instead of showing off on a solo basis; he’s playing alongside teammates such as Ron Capps, Gary Scelzi and Jack Beckman.

A larger stage doesn’t guarantee one instant success, but the resources available sure don’t hurt. Optimism is one of the great by-products of being on a multi-car team.

"One good race and we're right back in the middle of it, so I'm looking for good things in Las Vegas,” Toliver said. “I try to look at the big picture. We've got all the resources in the world and we've got a great sponsor with Rockstar Energy Drink and a great group of guys working on the car.

“Phil Shuler (crew chief) will get this car figured out and we'll start winning some rounds. I'm very comfortable in the car now and I'm anticipating good things to come.”

Toliver has taken advantage of shared resources to develop a winning combination with his Murf McKinney chassis and the added complexity of the 100-pound weight increase for 2008. He stayed over on the Monday following the Houston event and tested extensively.

"This is a very difficult sport and there are a lot of teams in the same situation,” Toliver said. “We're all trying to get our tune-up figured out. The new cars are heavier and it's harder to make them move quickly and everyone is learning."

On top of the complexity being levied by the off-season weight adjustment, many racers are faced with inconsistently prepared racing surfaces.

Toliver was one of a handful of racers bit by a fickle left lane in Houston.

“We stayed over in Houston to test some things and to see if what we had was a problem related to us,” Toliver said. ‘We stepped it up a little bit on Saturday and it went down and did it in conditions that weren’t so good. We looked at the conditions on Sunday and while everything should have been much better for race day, the left lane just wasn’t there.”

Toliver admitted he compared notes with his teammates also testing.

“We learned everything we needed to know,” Toliver added. “We wanted to know why we spun the tires at the hit.”

The competitive nature of Toliver makes this adjustment period a frustrating affair.

"I was really frustrated after losing the opening round in Houston,” Toliver said. “I thought for sure we would go some rounds there. The bottom line is that it's extremely early in the season and we're one good race out of being right in the middle of the top 10. We're starting to get a handle on this new car and it's just a matter of adjusting and getting it right.”


