God Speed Ministry is continuing a partnership with Feed The Children to help feed hungry children in the United States. Many people don’t realize that extreme poverty and hunger are a problem in our own backyards, but, unfortunately, this is the reality. To help combat this, God Speed Ministry formed a partnership with Feed The Children, an international, non-profit relief organization which avidly combats hunger in the United States and around the world.


At the Motor City Nationals God Speed Ministry, with the help of racers, crew, fans and sponsors, was able to raise over $562 that went directly to help feed American children. GSM will continue this effort at the upcoming Northern Nationals. Donation sites will be located at the GSM pit area and throughout the pits.


GSM welcomes all Northern Nationals participants and attendees to join them in this fight against hunger.  To feed an entire family for a month only takes $14. Such a small amount may not seem like much, but to an empty stomach it can mean a great deal. Drop your change or whatever you can spare into the donation boxes and posts at the Northern Nationals and help GSM change a child’s life.


“And if you give even a cup of cold water to one of the least of my followers, you will surely be rewarded.”  -Matthew 10:42


For more information on Feed The Children visit www.feedthechildren.org
